
Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A Tale Of Two McCains

Y'all know about Arizona, the new fascist show-me-your-papers state? Well, it seems as if Arizona's favorite family has opinions on the issue.

Grampa McCain, struggling to hold onto his ass, er, Senate seat, has come out in defense of Governor Eva Braun, er, Jan Brewer's, signing of the law, though, as is usual of a politician, he stopped short of saying he supported the law. He didn't say I support it and he didn't say I don't support it; he said basically nothing. "That's a state decision. I have not had a chance to take a look, but the fact is, the state is acting because the federal government hasn't."

Let me get this queer, John. Your home state, the state you represent in Washington, has created a new law reminiscent of things that have happened in Nazi Germany, Communist China, South Africa, and you haven't had a chance to look at it?

Why, John, why?

Is it because, instead of doing what's right, you want to do what will get you reelected? That doesn't make sense from the man who once worked on a comprehensive immigration reform plan, telling critics that "these are all God's children". Now, John McCain wants thousands of troops to guard the border.

Meghan McCain, however, in her Daily Beast column, calls the new law "a bad law" and "essentially a license to pull someone over for being Hispanic," though she does understand "why this law came into existence," citing "the continued failure of the federal government to secure Arizona's borders." But, unlike her father, who says nothing, and does nothing, unless he thinks it'll get him a vote, Meghan McCain sees this as a situation where no one wins.

Two McCains.
Two differing views.

One, from an American who sees, and dislikes, the direction Arizona is taking, and the other from a career politician in fear of losing his job.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Then again, McCain's prime opponent is a loathsome character too. So I say just keep the devil we know.


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