
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Poor Little Donny Dwyer

Okay, first up, a little geography lesson. Maryland, as you may know, is what I like to call Washington DC-adjacent, and a lot of folks who live in Maryland work in DC and, perhaps, vice versa. So, when Washington DC granted equality to all it's citizenry....Yay!....the Attorney General in Maryland decided that same-sex marriages performed in other places should be recognized in Maryland.

But, a Republican, of course, one Don Dwyer, didn't like the idea, because, you know, equality, like health care, is not one of the planks in the Republican platform like, say, war. So, Donny decided he would try to get Maryland's AG, Democrat Doug Gansler, impeached, and he went around stomping his feet and carrying badly misspelled signage as the Republicans are apt to do.

Well, yesterday, a committee soundly rejected Dwyer's resolution to impeach Gansler, because, well, it was a stupid waste of time. The vote, 14-6, though, still irks Little Don Dwyer because he whined that the entire House should vote on the resolution. But the House didn't bow down to Don Dwyer's tantrum and decided his little issue with Gansler should be referred to the House Judiciary Committee; in fact, the vote by the House to not vote on Dwyer's impeachment nonsense, won by a margin of 101-39.

Smacked down twice in one day. Poor Don Dwyer.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:04 PM

    The part about the badly misspelled signs is great.

    That said, Dwyer got what he deserved, to be smacked down.


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