
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby

Yup. It's today.
Carlos' birthday, and, as he would tell it, like Vera Charles, he is somewhere between forty.....and death. But, he doesn't get to tell it. I do, because it's my blog and I'll write if I want to....
I am amazed by Carlos. I learn something new about him, from him, every day. His hasn't always been the easiest path; he's had more ups and downs than a power top at an all-night orgy, but he moves on with a smile. He's endured things and overcome things that would break a lesser man, but he does it a laugh and , perhaps, a little sashay that would make RuPaul green with envy.
He has a smirk that makes me swoon.
He has a way with words that makes me feel like a dizzy redhead.
He has a heart and passion for life that is unmatched.
So, here we are, celebrating his birthday for the tenth time together, and I am looking forward to ten more, and ten more, and ten more.
I love you, Carlos, for who you were and who you are and who you will be.
Happy Birthday, Baby, and if they ask, I won't tell.

And, rather than singing that old tired birthday tune, I'll end with a little John Barrowman, and I Am What I Am because
Carlos is what he is, and it's the only way he'll have it.


  1. Happy Birthday Carlos!!!

  2. Well, Happy B-day Carlos! Hope you two have a wonderful day!

  3. Happy Birthday Carlos!

  4. Happy Birthday, Carlos!
    I love the cute things you said about sweet! :)

  5. Many happy returns of the day!

  6. What a wonderful birthday tribute! Happy Birthday, Carlos!

  7. Happy Birthday Carlos :o)

  8. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Happy birthday and best wishes!

  9. Happy Birthday, Papi!


  10. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Gladys says "Happy Birthday" to

  11. Happy Birthday, Carlos

  12. Carlos, I hope your birthday is so very happy! And not everyone has a spouse that is totally head over heels in love with them as you do, so enjoy that gift as well!


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