
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Be Gone, Michele, Before Someone Drops A House On You

You know, most people who stop by here know that I think Sarah Palin is one of the dumbest human beings ever dropped onto the planet. Every time she opens her mouth, says something, does anything, I think to myself, She is the most ignorant person in the world.

But, apparently not. I give you Sarah Palin's sister-in-stupidity, Michele Bachmann. Asshat. Moron, Idiot, Liar.

It began when former President Bill Clinton gave a speech last Friday to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. Clinton drew a line between what was happening in the country at that time and the current wave of right-wing, anti-government hatred. He called on public officials and the media to be responsible with their rhetoric, since it could fall on the ears of someone as disturbed as Timothy McVeigh:

But what we learned from Oklahoma City is not that we should gag each other or we should reduce our passion for the positions that we hold, but the words we use really do matter because there are — there’s this vast echo chamber, and they go across space, and they fall on the serious and the delirious alike. They fall on the connected and the unhinged alike. And I am not trying to muzzle anybody, but one of the things that the conservatives have always brought to the table in America is that no law can replace personal responsibility. And the more power you have, and the more influence you have, the more responsibility you have.

Well, apparently, moron and Tea Party wingnut, Michele Bachmann, thought President Clinton was speaking directly to her, and that he was, in fact, trying “take [her] out.” She called his speech a "celebration" of the Oklahoma City bombing, and also said:
They said that Bill Clinton gave a speech yesterday--the former president--at the Center for American Progress, John Podesta’s group. He gave a speech, and he called me out in his speech, and he was talking about the anniversary--Now, only Democrats would do this. The anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing by Tim McVeigh. I mean, we don’t celebrate these things. This is not what we celebrate. So he was at this celebration, supposedly.
So he brought me up, and he was talking about how all of the extremist rhetoric in the early 90s led to Tim McVeigh. See, it had nothing to do with Tim McVeigh; it was the conservatives. That’s what the problem was. So he was making the analogy that Michele Bachmann had made a statement the day before during the Tea Party rally that what Barack Obama is doing is gangster government. And he said because I am using a term like “gangster government,” I’m responsible for creating the kind of climate of hate that could lead to another Tim McVeigh and another Oklahoma City-style bombing. How do you like them apples? So I decided, “Well, this is going to be fun.” I am nothing. I am on the bottom of the food chain. I’m in the minority party, I’m in my second term as a congresswoman, and the former president of the United States decides I’m important enough to take out.
First off, Michele, you're an idiot. Clinton never mentioned you in his speech, but apparently you've been eating the moose-meat stew upon which Sarah Palin likes to nosh, and you think you are the center of every conversation. You aren't.

Second off, wingnut, a commemoration is not a celebration, and for you to suggest that he was celebrating the bombing is just the kind of incendiary speech to which Clinton was referring.

Third off, if you're going to slam one man's speech, you ought to have at least listened to it. Clinton never took the blame off Timothy McVeigh and put it in the hands of the conservatives, He merely said McVeigh was “profoundly alienated,” and “highly vulnerable to the suggestions and implications of the most militant rhetoric at the time” which may have lead to him planning and executing his terrorist plot.

Fourth off, you're stupid. No one except you and your band of misfit Tea Party Toys cares a whit about you. That is why you ramble on, spewing nonsense, to draw attention to yourself and your movement.

Do us all a favor, Michele, run for office on a Palin-Bachmann ticket. It's the best thing you could do for the country and for the Democrats, because the more you and your idiot ConservaSister open your mouths the more we all see that you are nothing, and will be nothing.


  1. I love it when you let somebody have it!

    For me, Sarah Palin is somewhat entertaining her dumness, but not Michele... she seems to be clearly evil.

  2. Anonymous12:48 PM

    So according to her, when we remember veterans, WWI, WWII, Pearl Harbor, 9/11 and many more events in history no Republicans are involved?

  3. Why do these people rise to the forefront? I know smart, intelligent Republicans - really! I know some who left and went independent in the last couple years precisely because of this kind of stuff and social issues. There is going to be nobody left but the birthers. And we need dialogue about things from both sides. A smart dialogue. Depressing.

  4. Get her! There's a statement I love...
    I'll try being nicer if you try being smarter.

  5. Delusion and stupidity are Michele Bachmann's best friends. She knows them well and visits them often.

  6. She is a freak, with a capital "C". The Repubs have no basis in reality. They will do and say anything for the sound bite. It doesn't really matter if it's true or not.


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