
Sunday, April 18, 2010

The 7 Craziest Things Blamed On Homosexuals

I discovered this on

Number 1: Child Rape
Excuses, excuses. The Catholic Church seems to have a bag full of 'em. Especially when it comes to their outed struggle with paedophilia. Take Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the Vatican Secretary of State, who publicly stated on a visit to Chile that "Many psychologists and psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relationship between celibacy and paedophilia. But many others have demonstrated, I have been told recently, that there is a relationship between homosexuality and paedophilia. That is true. That is the problem." That is NOT true, and that is NOT the problem. Instead, what is, is the fact that children all over the world are being touched by old, wrinkly men who aren't practicing what they (literally) preach.
It's not like it's just a recent problem or like recent psychology has anything to do with it. Paedophilia is a psychological disorder that is completely independent of being homosexual. Oh and also, throughout the history of Catholicism there have been:
  • 12 sexually active Popes.
  • Out of these, 5 of them either fathered illegitimate children, had romantic affairs or were killed by jealous husbands.
  • Out of the 12, 4 of them had some kind of homosexual relationship during their pontificate.
Number 2: 9/11
Well, here's one from good 'ole Pat Robertson, fundamentalist extraordinaire and complete bigot/whack job.
In a telecast interview with Reverend Jerry Falwell (also a bigot) on his controversial talk show The 700 Club, part of the Christian Broadcasting Network, Robertson and Falwell so lovingly point the finger at gays for 9/11. He also throws in abortionists, feminists, and the ACLU -- if that makes them feel any better...
The crazy fundamentalists garnering hate and impeding on what America stands for almost exonerate the other crazy fundamentalists that were garnering hate and impeding on what America stands for in the name of attacking their go-to scapegoats.

Number 3: Mass Murder
Write this in your history book, boys and girls: homosexuals are to blame for the fall of Srebrenica to Bosnian Serb forces.
Only in former NATO commander and senior US officer John Sheehan's history book would that sentence ever appear.
In a March 2010 US Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, General Sheehan pompously stated that the Dutch battalion was unable to hold back Serb forces because of the Dutch Army's policy to allow homosexuals to openly serve in the military. Yep, low morale, lack of strength, poor leadership and murderous tendencies can all be tacked on to being around, near or in the close proximity of homosexuals. No WAY that it's the fault of their commanding officers.
Oh and while we're going along with this no-accuracy theme of his, let's also blame global warming on the homosexuals... oh, and when you can't find a matching sock and are in a hurry, also their fault. [/End sarcasm]

Number 4: Hurricane Katrina
Reverend John Haggee is a white evangelical pastor of a "mega-church" in Texas, and has some mega-ridiculous ideas that he's unfortunately made public. He's been quoted as saying in an interview that "God caused Hurricane Katrina to wipe out New Orleans because it had a gay pride parade the week before and was filled with sexual sin."
It seems that fundamentalists blame that which they don't accept or understand (science) on other things they don't accept or understand (homosexuality).
Really? Would God wipe out New Orleans over a parade that breaks a very subjective interpretation of Christianity? Well then, watch out Macy's Day Parade! Your "Sooner will a rich man pass through the eye of a needle" capitalism parade is next!

Number 5: The Economic Downturn In Post WWII Germany
Adolf Hitler was definitely the worst attacker on homosexuals in history.
Along with blaming the Jews, he blamed homosexuals for the economic problems in Germany after World War I, along with demasculinizing a nation with "degenerate behavior" and "corrupting" public morality. This was part of his platform that helped him rise to power. That fact is on this list because of the impact the blame actually had on the world.
Blaming homosexuals (among a group of other minorities in Germany/The World at the time, of course) directly led to one of the worst wars and events in human history.
Yeah, Hitler's really one to speak on morality.

Number 6: Homosexuality In Children
You can trace this accusation back to the Save Our Children coalition, a group headed by celebrity singer Anita Bryant in 1977 who claimed non-discrimination based on sexual orientation discriminated against her right to teach her children biblical morality. C'mon, we all know who Anita Bryant is. Has it happened since? Hell yes.
As seen in the Prop 8 debate, the idea that children can become gay merely by being taught about same-sex marriage, or even that being gay is okay, is well-believed by some, but mostly fundamentalists and ignorant/paranoid people who know no better than to follow the word of what they hear on TV.
There has never been any kind of evidence linking gay teachers, or teaching about homosexuality in the classroom, leading to an increase in gay children. The main reason: it's not a choice, and sure as hell isn't "taught".
Once again, faith (and the $25 Million the Mormon church poured into the election) wins out over proven science and homosexuals were blamed for something they didn't, and couldn't possibly, do.

Number 7: AIDS
The stigma of AIDS is directly correlated with the stigma of homosexuality. See where the prejudice lies in just that sentence? The word "stigma" doesn't help.
Homosexuality in the Christian community has always been perceived as taboo, something to back away from instead of acknowledge and understand--much like sexual education.
Thus, for a long time (way too long) it was believed that homosexuals were to blame for AIDS and that even anal sex between two consenting adults could lead to it. This was so prevalent a belief that even before it had the name AIDS it was called GRID, which (as we all know) stood for Gay Related ImmunoDeficiency.
Today, fundamentalists continue to hamper the cause even more by casting fear and prejudice on both sexual education, scientific research and taking any rights or public voice away from the LGBT community.
General ignorance is to blame for the AIDS epidemic, just as it is to blame for the epidemic of false accusations the gay community has suffered throughout all of history. The more all of us embrace fact, logic and common human decency (including the ability to have empathy and equal judgment of all of "God's creatures"), the sooner accusations like this can stop and we can all capture criminals, bring pedophiles to justice and move on with all our lives.


  1. What no space aliens? And global warming? Surely you have enough free time on your hands.

  2. Boy the public must think were Gods or something to pull all these things out of our sleeves! Would make me mad but we know they aren't true. And by the way Bob, I found on of those new Ford cars, the Clitaurus,but I'm not quite sure what to do with it now!?! LOL! I have never seen anything like it, and it is a bit small. What goes in it?

  3. Over the millennia the straights have kept us in the closet, practically forcing us to marry women to survive in a hetero society. Because of this we passed our gay genes on to future generations, so in this way we ARE responsible for homosexuality in children, but only because we were forced into it.

  4. this was a great post, I wish I thought this

  5. Terrific post Bob. It is amazing to see how much power some people think we have. Apparently, they think we are like TV cartoon villains. Everyone practice your laugh.


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