
Monday, March 01, 2010

Toy Soldiers

Next door--and by next door, I mean North Carolina--Republican Representative Sue Myrick is one of those dyed-in-the-wool war hawks. Nothing wrong with that; we need a good strong military.

But for all her posturing and posing and proclaiming of "military readiness," Myrick is also one of those dyed-in-the-wool Republicans who think Don't Ask, Don't Tell is a good policy, and worth keeping.

Worth keeping a policy that may actually impede our "military readiness"?

Well, the Charlotte Rainbow Action Network for Equality [CARNE] doesn't think Ms. Myrick knows whereof she speaks. And so, to prove their point, and the point that DADT is a discriminatory policy that does not help the military, but rather hurts it, and us, CARNE will deliver 13,500 toy soldiers to Myrick’s office, symbolizing all of the men and women discharged from the military as a result of DADT.

According to a CRANE news release, “On April Fool’s Day, these 13,500 soldiers will march on Myrick as we personally deliver them to her Charlotte office. Our message is clear: Only a fool would stand in the way of supporting our troops, military readiness and national security.”

Maybe with 13,500 soldiers in her office, she'll see the error of her ways.

1 comment:

  1. >13,500 toy soldiers <
    Wow! I loves a good visual like that. Hope it makes the national news.


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