
Monday, March 01, 2010

It's Communion, Bitch

At first it looked like a Crazy Britney Convention, what with all the pink wigs and such, but it turned out to be something much more meaningful and powerful.

Hundreds of Dutch activists walked out of a Mass in protest at the Roman Catholic policy of denying communion to "practicing" homosexuals. The church, in 's-Hertogenbosch, had already decided not to serve communion, so the protesters, wearing pink wigs and clothing, left, shouting and singing.

The dispute began last month when a priest in a nearby town refused to give communion to an openly gay man. The refusal offended many in the local community. The Netherlands was the first country to introduce gay marriage in 2001, and most Dutch people support gay rights, but the Roman Catholic Church teaches that homosexual activity is sinful.

The man at the center of all the fuss has said he just wants equal treatment; and if he is denied communion because he is considered a sinner, then he wants the priest to refuse communion to all other sinners too.

Only fair. But then the Catholic Church is not known for fairness.

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