
Tuesday, March 02, 2010

He's Baaaaaaack

Looks like California Attorney General Jerry Brown is going to formally announce today that he is running for governor of the state, again; he first held that job some 30 years ago. I remember, as a young gay lad, hearing about Brown's refusal to live in the governor's extrava-mansion--one that was built for Ronald Reagan but not completed while he was in office. Instead of living in the mansion, which wasn't even in Sacramento, but rather a suburb, Brown chose to rent an apartment near the Capitol so he could walk to work.

i was impressed by him then, and remain so to this day.

Brown doesn't seem to have any real competition, and is eligible to run for Governor again because today's term limits were not in effect when he first occupied the office. Brown, whose father, Pat, was a two-term California governor, has had a varied and successful, and sometimes unsuccessful, political career. After leaving the Governor's office, he was California Secretary of State, mayor of Oakland, and Attorney General; he made to failed runs at the presidency and anther for the Senate.

He has apparently been planning his run for a couple of years, and looks like he will face either former EBay chief, and anti-gay marriage proponent, Meg Whitman, or Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner, both of whom have substantial personal wealth to fund their campaigns.

So, Californians, it's your choice: two folks who want to "buy" a political post, or one who has served your state in many capacities, nearly always successfully, for thirty-plus years.

I know who I'd vote for if I was still a Californian.


  1. should be an interesting race!

  2. Who would want that job?!?
    He is a former Jesuit, smart, commpasionate, a great wonk, he knows the state & it's difunction better than anyone, he dated Linda Ronstadt... & I always thought he might be a bit gay. I met him twice, through Jesuit friends.

  3. it will interesting to see


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