
Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Florida, Florida. Two steps back. Again.

Apparently the Republicans of the Sunshine Sate don't like their movies and TV shows with gay characters, and want to make such vile, disgusting, homosexual-agenda-pushing fare ineligible for a "family-friendly" tax credit that has been surreptitiously hidden in a $75 million incentive package that those same Republicans hope will attract film and entertainment jobs to the state. This new bill would prohibit productions with "nontraditional family values" from receiving a so-called family-friendly tax credit, though it offers no definition of what exactly "nontraditional family values" might be.

"Think of it as like Mayberry," says state Representative, and, of course, Republican, Stephen Precourt, referring to The Andy Griffith Show. "That's when I grew up — the '60s. That's what life was like. I want Florida to be known for making those kinds of movies: Disney movies for kids and all that stuff. Like it used to be, you know?"

He wants it to be in black-and-white, too, I imagine. But, um, Stephen? What does your limited, dim-witted world view think of the not-so-subtle-sexually-ambiguous Howard Sprague of Mayberry? Asshat.

And what the Republicans are proposing is, in fact, censorship. They'll start with movies and TV, then move into music and radio, followed by print ads and newspapers, and soon, perhaps too soon, Florida will be the Whitewashed State.

And while many don't understand, because the Republicans wingnuts who sponsored this bill aren't explaining, is what exactly are traditional family values. So, of all people, Governor Chalie Crist, one of those Mayberry-esque, Howard Sprague-esque, sexual ambiguities, says, "Let me define it in the positive. A traditional family is a marriage between a man and a woman. That's traditional."

Oh Charlie. How long before we hear news of you getting ticketed for drunk driving away from a gay bar?

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