
Friday, February 12, 2010

What If You Had To..............

I saw this over at Mistress Maddie's place, A Day With The Mistress Borghese, and thought I'd give it a whirl. It's a game she and the Boy-Toy play, called "What If You Had To".

If you had to, which would you choose:
My answers are in red red red.

1- Free tickets to see Queen Latifah in a jazz club, or Jennifer Hudson in concert? I have loved JHud since Idol days and through Dreamgirls.

2-Wake up in the body of Jennifer Aniston or Angelina Jolie? Jen is too bony; I'd like to be curvy.

3-Wake up in the body of Ashton Kutcher or Brad Pitt? Definitely Brad because, since I'd have the shot to be Angie, I could experience both sides of their "relationship benefits".

4-Overdress, or under dress everyday? Definitely over; yes, definitely.

5-Eat, for a whole week this item only, chocolate chip cookies, or chocolate ice cream? I don't really care for chocolate, but I don't like ice cream, so, the lesser of the two.

6-Nigthmares for a year, or real haunting for a year? Scary to say, but a haunting sounds fun.

7-Sleep with George W Bush, or Ann Coulter? I have never had sex with a woman and my first would not be The Devil Herself.

8-Go on Price is Right, or Jeopardy? Drew Carey scares me, and not in a good way.

9-sleep with Jay Leno, or David Letterman? That chin? Honey, no.

10-Hang with drag queen RuPaul, or Varla Jean Merman? I'd hang with Ru in drag or out of it. Love him. Love her.

11-Have a beach house in the Hampton's, or a beautiful bungalow in Spain? No, I loves me some Spanish men--are you listening Carlos?

12-Be a Smurf, or a Peanuts character? Anyone but PigPen.

13-Direct porn, or star in one? I'd like to run the show.

14-Spend a day with Paris Hilton, or Rachael Zoe? Maddie! You know how this would end if I spent the day with Paris. Dead heiress, homo in jail.

15-Spend a week with Martha Stewart, or Oprah Winfrey? My big mouth and Oprah's big as...head? Not gonna happen.

16-If you couldn't live in America any longer, if you had to, would you live in South America or Europe? More diverse.

17-Have a sex change or end your life? I could be happy as a woman, but, what to do with Carlos?

18-Change your beauty, or be thinner? Does this make me shallow?

19-Sleep with Mel Gibson, or Tom Cruise? I just couldn't. Mel Gibson is the King Of The Fucktards and Tom Cruise is a closeted girly-man. A hater or a self-loather? Neither.

20-Go up in a hot air balloon,or sky dive? Freefalling!

21-Give up the ability to ever hear music again, or the ability to ever read again? This was tough, but to never hear music? i could make up stories, but I couldn't make up music.

22-Be a land animal,or a sea animal? I'm Aqueerius, a water sign!

23-Live a year with Lady Gaga, or Madonna? I never thought I'd say it, and I'm late to the show, but I am cuckoo for GaGa.

24-Have breathtaking beauty for the rest of your life, but spend a year in jail, or be just plain looking and never be in jail? I keep thinking about being beautiful in jail with all those horny guys. When would I sleep?

25-Be snowed in a cabin for two long weeks with Star Jones, or Debbie Matenopoulos. Although, I could kill Star and live off the meat through the winter. Hmmmm. six of one, a half dozen of the other.


  1. I love me some GaGa too...and speaking of Madonna too...I would LOVE to see a Madonna/GaGa duet!

  2. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Love your answers. I might have to do this too. There are some tough decisions!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Bob you crack me up yet again! Your answers to questions 7,14,15,17 and 25 had me laughing so hard! I needed that. And you know on question 24 I chose the other option. I never thought about all the horny guys. Is that a bad thing? LOL!

  5. Anonymous9:47 AM

    This is great! I'm sure I'll be using it if you don't mind.


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