
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Talk To The Hand

So, yesterday I'm home, puttering around the house, and I turn on The View. I loves me some Whoopie and Joy, much as I loves me some whoopee and joy, if you get my meaning. But, alas, no Whoopie; she was allegedly snowed in, so were were left with Grandma Moses, aka Barbara Walters, the The Triple-D Dunce Cap that is Sherri Shepherd, and The Moron For All Time, Elizabeth Hasselbeck. Joy was my one saving grace.

Anyway, they were discussing the White house press briefing where Robert Gibbs poked a little fun at The Quitter by writing some notes on his hand. They all deemed it cute and funny, except Elizabeth who apparently forgot her meds. She went off about the mess this country is in--quietly alluding to the new Republican spin that these wars and economic crises are Obama's fault--and how there is no time for joking.

Fair enough, if that's what that pea brain of yours thinks.

But then Elizabeth jumped the shark when she said that she found it funny that Gibbs made mention of Palm-Gate because, in her limited world view, it means that Obama and the White House believe that The Quitter is :::::wait for it::::::it's delicious::::::it's unfathomable:::::: a serious threat!


Seriously, The Quitter has to remind herself via her Palm-Prompter that energy is a grave concern for this country; taxes, too. Now look, I'm no politician, but even I know what concerns this country and I don't have to Sharpie it onto my hand to remember

Then comes word that more and more people, some 71% according to a new Washington Post/ABC News poll, think The Quitter is unqualified to be President; ya think? Fifty-five percent view her unfavorably, and among conservatives, her, ahem, base, only 45% think she's a good choice to run a country compared to 66% a year ago,

Buh-bye Quitter, and take your lapdog Hasselbeck with you.


  1. OMG...I watched this yesterday and I got soooo pissed off at Elizabeth! WTF?!?! She said this was not a time to joke. WHATEVER, BITCH! Palin had just slammed Obama and his press secretary makes a VERY quick but funny reply to her slamming. GET IT OVER IT... It was funny! and this is exactly the time we need a little humor.
    Can you tell I'm still mad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. When you can't laugh at yourself you are doomed. To give her credit even Palin turned her crib notes into a joke by writing 'hi Mom' on her hand the next day for her appearance in Texas. ElisabethH. should have taken note of that.

  3. Palin is God's way of saying "I make mistakes"

  4. I think Sara should run for Pres and Elizabeth should be her running mate. She thinks so highly of her, what a dream ticket!

  5. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Actually the best way to deal with a nattering nabob aka opposition is to ridicule them.

    And team Obama is doing a very good job of ridiculing Palin. She isn't a threat, she's just a gnat.

  6. That was brilliant on Gibbs part :o)

  7. I doubt if Hasselbeck worries about doing things like checking numbers and trends. She has her own viewpoint, and will twist everything in order to make it fit her world view. Of course, that seems to be de rigueur for the conservatives: revise history.


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