
Monday, February 08, 2010

The Monday Asshat: Ollie North

"Barack Obama now intends to treat [our soldiers] like lab rats in a radical social experiment, and it can be very, very detrimental. In other words, this isn’t about rights. This isn’t about fairness. It’s all about national security. And apparently, Mr. Obama has forgotten it. Now, here’s what’s next. NAMBLA members, same-sex marriages. Are chaplains in the U.S. military going to be required to perform those kinds of rituals? Do they get government housing?"

Ollie North on FoxNews.

Yes, Ollie, if you allow gay soldiers to serve openly, you will have to allow pedophiles to serve openly. And of course, that means pedophilia will no longer be a crime. And if you have gay soldiers, you'll be forced to make military chaplains marry them, except marriage equality is not the law of the land. YET.

Stop pandering to the lowest common denominator, Ollie; stop using fear as a weapon. Speak just to the truth, if that's even something you know how to do.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Well of course. If gays get equal rights that automatically means pedophilles will. Doesn't that make perfect sense?


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