
Saturday, February 13, 2010

I Ain't One To Gossip, But.............

Say, hasn't this been done? And done?
Apparently filmmakers have officially run out of ideas. At least at Universal Pictures where they are developing a remake of the 1982 movie The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas starring Dolly Parton and Burt Reynolds.
And that film was based on the Broadway play of the same name by Larry L. King.
In case you've been living in a closet, it's the story is about a town sheriff and local madam who go after a TV personality trying to shut down a local whorehouse, The Chicken Ranch. Dolly's famous song, "I Will Always Love You" was featured in the original film version, but not the play.
Universal doesn't know if they will' include it in this rehash, I mean, reboot.
Dim bulb, and View co-host, Sherri Shepherd doesn't know when to shut up.
When she first arrived on the show, in 1928, I think, she told the story of her husband, their marriage, his affair, the love child, and their divorce, but now, some eighty years later, she is still talking smack about the ex; and he ain't havin' it.
Mr. Sherri Shepherd, Jeff Tarpley has sent an open letter to his ex-wife, meaning it didn't go directly to Sherri, it went to the media, begging her to stop hating on him for the sake of their young son: “I've owned up to the mistakes I've made and I never claimed to be perfect. All I ask is that that she no longer dwell on the past; and instead, let's move on with our lives while providing our son the best possible care."
Yeah, Jeff, that won't happen.
Shepherd's been making jokes about her ex since for ever, and she even turned it into a TV show; no, not The View, but her own sitcom on Lifetime.
Word to Sherri: Build a bridge and get over it.
Please for the love of all things holy say it isn't so!
Apparently, the Gosselin's are trying to stage a comeback.
Jon and Kate are so desperate for fame and the dollars it brings that they are actually speaking to one another about letting TLC exploit their brood for a few more years.
But, relax, the kid's will be fine; it's their do-anything-for-fame-whoring parents I'm truly worried about.
Speaking of remakes and reboots and rehashes and giant-assed mistakes, word is out that Tom Cruise, whose career is in the crapper--seriously, name the last successful film he was in--will be headed back for another Mission: Impossible sequel, aka More Of The Same.
Poor Tom, his baby-mama-baby-wife need new shoes, so he has to keep working and pounding out the crap.
On the American Idol front, Guy Oseary, aka Madonna's main manager--because it takes a village to keep Madge happy--and one of the producers of the Twilight franchise, may be taking Simon Cowell's place at the judges table.
He may have an in, given his music industry background, and after years of working for Madonna, you know he can handle diva throw-downs and smack-fests, and come out smelling like the biggest bitch of them all.
Of course, there is also talk of replacing Cowell with that icon of the music industry, Howard Stern, or, if they really want to scrape the crap off the bottom of Hollywood's shoe, that fat-assed-gas-bag Perez Hilton wants the job.
Seriously, Perrez Hilton!
More reboots. Must be the season of nothing new.
Garry Marshall, at the premiere of his new film, Valentine's Day, announced that maybe, perhaps, it just might happen, that they'll do a feature-film version of Laverne and Shirley starring, and this is hysterical, Jennifer Garner and Jessica Biel.
Yeah, when I think wacky, physical comedy, my go-to gals are Garner and Biel.
Garry says: "We're gonna work on that. My sister Penny and Cindy are gonna have a guest cameo. They're gonna walk 'schlemiel, schlemazel'."
That's all I'm sayin'.
And then comes word, and say, where do all these words come from, really, but I digress, word comes that there will finally be a Ghostbusters 3! I've been waiting for this since, like, never! But sources, and again, who are these sources, say that Bill Murray will be back, but that he wants to be killed off in the first part of the film. Now, that's comedy! Murray said; "I'll come back in Ghostbusters 3 only if I get to be a ghost. I said to them, 'I'll do it if you kill me off in the first reel.' So, now they are going to have me as a ghost in the film. The first 45 minutes of the original Ghostbusters is some of the funniest stuff ever made. The second one was disappointing, because the special-effects guys took over. I had something like two scenes– and they're the only funny ones in the movie." The only funny scenes in the movie? He must have seen a different GB 2, because the one I saw had no funny scenes in it at all.
Lindsey Lohan is still partying.
Oprah Winfrey still has a big ass, er, head.
That's all.


  1. The Gosselin Franchise is all set. I'm worried we'll see Gosselins The Teenage Years with spinoffs for Gosselins Gone Wild, Gosselins in Drug Court, Gosselins in Rehab, Gosselins in Celebrity Fit Club and so forth.

  2. Thanks for reminding me why I never turn on the television!

  3. I love The Best Little Whore House in Texas and I don't think anyone could do that film better,over Burt and Dolly and you damn well know we will never see the glorious shower scene!!! Bare butts and all. And you would play Pearl the house mother? Oprah? And Ghostbusters? How long since the last movie? 30 years ago? Who cares. The Gosselins? Again? Oh hell no! Next thing you know there will be a new venture with Paris and Lindsey just for you Bob!

  4. There are good scripts out there surely, but H'wood is too scared to take a chance and keeps remaking things. Then when something original does refreshingly play, they start copying that.


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