
Monday, January 11, 2010

Fighting The Good Fight In Iowa

One Iowa, Iowa’s largest gay rights group, has announced the formation of a broad coalition of groups opposed to a constitutional amendment to deny marriage equality to gay and lesbian couples. These groups, over 71 of them, have a combined membership of nearly 150,000 Iowans and include labor, civil rights and, yes, faith groups.

“Iowans believe in treating their neighbors with respect. That’s why a growing chorus of Iowans is speaking up to say discrimination has no place in the Iowa Constitution,” One Iowa Executive Director Carolyn Jenison said.

Opponents of equality have promised to push for an amendment to the Iowa Constitution during this legislative session, though any such amendment would have to pass in two consecutive legislative sessions before being put on the ballot.

The One Iowa coalition includes prominent Democrats and Republicans, including:

Democratic Co-Chairs:
Christie Vilsack, Former First Lady of Iowa
Sally Pederson, Former Lt. Governor of Iowa
Mike Gronstal, Iowa Senate Majority Leader
Pat Murphy, Speaker of the Iowa House
Marcia Nichols, AFSCME Political Director

Republican Co-Chairs:
Joy Corning, Former Lt. Governor
Christine Hensley, Member of Des Moines City Council
Matt Walsh, Member of Council Bluffs City Council
Mike Simonson, Republican Activist
Ted Coppock, Republican Activist

Statewide Coalition Members
Iowa Federation of Labor AFL-CIO
ACLU of Iowa
AFSCME Iowa Council 61
American Friends Service Committee
Chinese Association of Iowa
Friends of Iowa Civil Rights
I’M for Iowa
Interfaith Alliance of Iowa
Iowa — National Organization for Women
Iowa Citizen Action Network
Iowa Civil Rights Commission
Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Iowa Commission on the Status of African Americans
Iowa Department of Human Rights
Iowa Planned Parenthood Affiliate League
Iowa Stonewall Democrats
Methodist Federation for Social Action
National Association of Social Workers — Iowa Chapter
One Iowa
Working Families Win
Youth and Shelter Services, Inc.
Local Coalition Members
AIDS Project of Central Iowa
American Business & Professional Guild
Burlington Human Rights Commission
Cedar Rapids Civil Rights Commission
Cedar Rapids Gay & Lesbian Resource Center (GLRC)
Cedar Rapids Linn Mar Spectrum (GSA)
Cedar Rapids PFLAG
Cedar Valley Pride
Cedar Valley United for Peace & Justice
Central College Common Ground
Citizens for Equal Protection
Community Aids Assistance Program (CAAP)
Council Bluffs Community Alliance
Delta Lambda Phi — Iowa State University
Dubuque Pride
Eagle Grove GSA
Faith United Methodist Church
Fort Dodge Civil Rights Commission
Graceland University Gay/Straight Alliance
Greater Omaha GLBT Professionals
Green Party of Iowa
Grinnell Human Rights Commission
Iowa City Human Rights Commission
Legion Arts
Linn-Mar Spectrum GSA
Metropolitan Community Church of Omaha
Metropolitan Community Church of the Quad Cities
North Iowa (Mason City) PFLAG
Northeast Iowa Community College GSA
PFLAG of the Quad Cities (Eldridge)
Progressive Action for the Common Good
Quad Cities PrideFest Committee
Simpson College Democrats
Simpson College LGBTQA
Sioux City PFLAG
Southeast Iowa Rainbow Pride
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
St. Timothy’s United Methodist
Stellar Kick Entertainment
Students for Social Justice, UNI
University of Northern Iowa Proud
Wartburg Alliance
Burlington Community High School GSA

for more info go to


  1. Let's hope we can scream loader than the opposition and keep all our ducks in a row. I think we have a good chance of maintaining marriage equality there.


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