
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Liar Liar Yada Yada Yada

Well, well, well, look who's back and singing a different tune.

Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren appeared on Meet The Press over the weekend where he had the balls to paint himself as a friend of gay people, though not now, and not ever, of marriage equality.

Warren says his role is to "love everybody" and to be “much more sympathetic” to gay people. He even goes so far as to say that the millions of dollars spent to fight Prop 8 in California last year might better have been used to fight HIV/AIDS.

Right. Rick. And where was your openness last year? Where was your love for The Gays last year when your churches own website declared that gays were not welcome? And of course, he still spews that old chestnut about how he didn't really fight for Prop 8 last year, but only made one video.

You, Rick Warren, are a liar.

if you want the LGBT community to believe that you care about us, then offer us an apology. Tell us you were wrong to deny us a place in your congregation that you were wrong to speak out--even once--against marriage equality.

Maybe then I'll believe you've changed, but until then, you're just a bigot with a collar.

1 comment:

  1. There is mental illness, and there is mental madness. Look up the meaning and you will probably find his picture.


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