
Friday, December 18, 2009

Let Us Pray

Well, so much for separation of church and state.

Republican repugnant Senators Jim DeMint, of the great state :::tee hee::: of South Carolina, Sam Brownback, from one of those square states in the middle...Kansas, I think, and Queen of the Wingnuts, Michele Bachmann, of Minnesota, where it's cold and I figured she'd keep her mouth shut, held a prayer service, of all things, to pray for the failure of health care reform.

Yes, good people of South Carolina, Kansas and Minnesota, rather than working to pass a health care bill, even one of their own, these three asshats, the trifecta of asshattery, if you will, are praying for the failure of health care. These three wingnuts that, sadly, work for you, and me, would rather pray for failure than work toward a solution for health care for their constituents.

Is this why you elected them,? To pray? Or did you elect them to work for you? Did you elect them to legislate or sermonize?

Well, I'm praying, too. I'm praying that the good people of Minnesota wake up and tell Michele Bachmann to kiss their frigid asses. I'm praying that the good people of Kansas send Sam Brownback back to whatever crypt he crawled out of; and I'm praying, and working, towards seeing that Jim DeMint never holds political office in this state again.

Shall we pray?


  1. Pretty funny Bob. :)

    This new(fake) "pray it away" mentality is gaining ground in the conservative movement. The last time I checked they were paid to do a job, being elected officials and all. They are not paid to pray. They need to get off their knees and high horses and get busy!

  2. we need to take them down

  3. While I am sure Bachmann is used to being on her knees for several reasons, including prayer, [maybe the others too - they had been buddies with Larry Craig & Mark Foley] Do they really think it is wise to bother God to do something they are currently getting paid to do - which is to govern this country! Dammit, if they are gonna ask someone else to do it all, why the eff not resign now?

  4. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Shall we pray? Of course. Move over please - the pew is filling up.

  5. So is it like voting? God gets prayers from conflicting sides of the issue and the side with the most prayers gets answered? What an anthropomorphism.

    As for the health care bill, I'm sure the dysfunctional bunch on the hill pretty much compromised anything worthwhile out of it and hacked it to death already. If anything passes, it won't be worth the paper it's printed on and will probably make things worse. Anything short of Universal Health Care will only benefit the insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, the wealthy and Wall Street.

  6. A friend posted this video today on Facebook, and it really gave me the willies. This is just INSANE.


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