
Saturday, December 12, 2009


We're still on Tiger and I still don't care. Maybe when he gets a chance to comment on all of our relationships then we'll have earned the right to comment on all of his.
Adam Lambert was finally allowed back on ABC. On The View. On tape lest he simulate sex or kiss a dude and like it. What I found interesting, though, was that they still seem to want him to apologize for his performance.
Get over it, ABC. You're keeping this nonsense alive far longer than it deserves.
And stop with the taped performance crap.
Grow a pair.
Kate Gosselin says her kids miss being on TV.
"They cried in the van on the way home from school the other day. I finally admitted to them, they kept asking, 'Where's the camera crew? Where's the camera crew? We miss them.' And I said, 'Our show is over.' …Eight sobbing kids driving home from school."
Gosh Kate, what a fabulous mom you must be that your children would rather spend time with a camera crew than with their own parents. Perhaps you could shut your yap and quit whining to the press about how hard you have it and just be a goddamned mother.
I like Kirstie Alley. Well, I used too. Then she did the reality show , calling herself Fat Actress which she spun off into a Jenny Craig diet spokeswoman gig, but then gained all the weight back so she can now do a reality show about losing the she can gain it all back in the next reality show....and then lose it all again....and then gain it all back.
Knock it off.
Carrie Prejean has cancelled appearances at Shrine at the MGM Grand at Foxwoods next month because, get this, she refuses to appear between midnight and 2 a.m as it was "in direct conflict with her reputation as a Christian."
I think it's more in direct conflict with her Diddling For Jesus Late Night VideoPhone Escapades.
Mel Gibson's wife wants half of his $900 million dollar fortune.
Let's see....she was married to him for almost thirty years, bore him seven children, put up with his alcoholism and his arrest and subsequent anti-Semitic, misogynist tirade, and then saw him, the perfect Catholic that he is, dump her for his pregnant girlfriend.
Hmmmmmmm......I think she oughta go for more than half. I'm thinking 99% is fair.
Someone hurled tomatoes at Sara Palin on her book tour and missed.
Better luck next time. And try sour grapes; she's more familiar with those.


  1. I feel better all ready!

  2. No kidding! I don't know which vignette I liked best. But I do have a soft spot in my heart for dissing Palin. But since the woman missed, I'm not sure.

  3. Great line about Palin and the sour grapes!

  4. Good ones! Excellent, in fact! Sour grapes - LOL! No kidding about Mel Gibson's wife.

  5. I agree with all these Bob! But the Carrie things kills me. I swear she lives in la-la land. How can she expect anyone to believe she is Christian and pure hearted when she does even own up to the fact about her self! What a loser.

  6. i read miss goslins quote and about hurled in my mouth.


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