
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

South Carolina Has A Dumbass In it, Lord Have Mercy On Our Souls

While I am still enraged, let me go off a bit about one of our homegrown asshats down here in the grand old :::cough cough::: state of South Carolina.

Yáll remember Congressman Joe Wilson? "You lie!"Joe Wilson? The Joe Wilson who said Obama's health care program would give free health care to illegal immigrants and the same Joe Wilson who voted for greater protections of illegal immigrants? The talk-out-of-both-sides-of-his-illiterate-ass Joe Wilson?

Good, now we're up to speed.

It seems Brainless Joe Wilson, a Republican, naturally, believes that President Obama has endangered American lives by not doing more to alleviate the nation's short supply of H1N1 vaccine. In fact, on camera, in an interview with he actually says the Obama administration is "solely responsible" for the vaccine shortage because Obama is giving the vaccine to some foreign allies.

Okay, Joe, show me.

He can't; because Joe Wilson, and 95% of his congressional ilk, voted against a supplementary appropriations bill way back in June, which contained special funding to combat H1N1 both domestically and internationally. A No vote essentially equaled a vote against combating H1N1 and means Republicans who voted against it like Wilson favored a public health program that would have resulted in even less vaccine than is available now.

So, Joe, why don't you take your Klieg Light Of Blame and focus it directly on your two-faced, lying ass.



  1. Music to my ears Bob. Someone being called on the carpet. Nice piece. Sweet!

  2. Speaking of.... our family all falls into the high risk catagory - asthmatics. We got a call last night that the youngest (20) has a swine vac waiting for him. I asked about the rest of the family. Not yet. So today I figure out when to get youngest down here, 2.5 hours away and in classes, so he can get his shot and pray the rest of us get called soon.

  3. Anonymous2:20 PM

    SC really knows how to pick em'.

    I'm waiting for the crowing of NOM and the other bigots though regarding Maine. Should be fun!

  4. What makes these jackwads think their words are going to go unchallenged? Seriously. There seems to be a mantra in the Republican Party that simply saying it makes it true. Dumb ass.


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