
Thursday, November 19, 2009

So, It Wasn't The Gays After All

File this under Crazy But True.

A preliminary report commissioned by the nation's Roman Catholic bishops to investigate the clergy sex abuse scandal has found no evidence, yes, that would be NO EVIDENCE, that gay priests are any more likely than heterosexual clergy to molest children. They spent two-million to tell us something that anyone with half a brain already knew. Good use of funds, yet again, Catholic church.

Now, while the full report by researchers at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice won't be completed until the end of next year, the authors say their evidence has found no data indicating that homosexuality was a predictor of abuse.

"What we are suggesting is that the idea of sexual identity be separated from the problem of sexual abuse," said Margaret Smith of John Jay College, in a speech to the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "At this point, we do not find a connection between homosexual identity and the increased likelihood of subsequent abuse from the data that we have right now."

Again, anyone with a modicum of intelligence, knows that child molestation, like rape, is not a sex act, but an act of violence; it's about having power over someone when the abuser or rapist feels powerless themselves. Get it? It. Is. Not. Sex.

Of course, since, in the case of priests molesting children, with most of the victims being young boys, the Catholic church immediately began an investigation into homosexuality among clergy, because they believe The Gays are all about sex with children.

Just a few facts and figures before I leave.......

The Catholic Church has been hit with nearly 14,000 molestation claims since the 1950s and they have spent at least $2.3 billion in reparations to victims in that same time frame. Now, think about this: if only half the number of children being molested by priests was reported, than that number could be as high as 30,000 molested children, and, rather than looking to solve the problem, to help both the victim and the aggressor, the church spent the last half decade denigrating the LGBT community and spending billions of cover their asses.

How. Christlike.


  1. I wonder if they ever considered the fact that they only allowed boys to be 'alter boys' and the access to girls was curtailed because of the relative unimportance of females in the church?
    That said my college roommate was molested by her priest.

  2. Obviously the study was flawed. How else can the results be explained?

    The Infallible Holy Catholic Church should repeat this study as many times as necessary to get the right results.

  3. This is the type of stuff that makes my blood boil! Numerous reports have come out, indicating that abuse is not specifically related to the gay community, however, Christians will find any excuse to link it to us.

    Like you said...How Christlike!

  4. Anonymous10:07 AM

    The whole thing is wrong on so many levels!! But people continue to see what they want to see. So sad. And frustrating. And wrong.

  5. The CC and this particular pope will use any reason to go after us. He is an elitist, purist who will stop at nothing to purge "his" church and then society of anyone who doesn't meet his standards of purity.

  6. While it may not be the best use of funds. It is good that the findings were not doctored to put the blame on us. I guess we should be happy about that. They'll have to look for other things to blame us for! We must be guilty of something, after all.


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