
Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's My First Blogiversary!

One year ago today I started blogging
.....yes, I'm still a newbie.......
and I haven't shut up since!

It's been a blast and I want to thank all of you who stop by here every day, to leave a comment. I would also thank you for all your blogs--especially La Grande Duchess of Dust Bunnies, Her Royal Highness David Dust, who inspired me to give this bloggery a try--because I find such great things, stories, pictures, jokes, factoids, and trivia in all your blogiverses.
And so, in honor of this :::cough cough:::: momentous occasion, here is a repeat of that first thought-provoking, hysterically funny, pensive, erudite, cogent, concise post.....such as it was:

I'm new to this blog thing, but I do love to talk and I do have an opinion--hell I have thousands of opinions--so I guess that's as good a place to start. Let's talk about.........Me!

I am a happily-partnered gay male, and I have been with the love of my life for the last eight years. We met online in an AOL chatroom--no, not THAT kind of chatroom--and became IM friends, and then email friends, and then phone friends and then friends across the country and then I went from California to Miami to meet him, and that was that. A few months later I'd left California and settled in Miami--talk about culture shock!

We stayed in Miami for about six years until Carlos--the aforementioned partner--accepted a job in Smallville, South Carolina, and we loaded up the truck and moved to....well, not Beverly Hills, but Smallville. A small town. A cute town. A town full of nice people who didn't seem at all peeved that the newest arrivals were a couple of mo's from Miami. That's a start, I think. More to come.....I hope.


  1. And we've been pleased to know you, and Carlos, and Smallville. Though I still wonder about the chicken and the road incident.

  2. Congratulations! The time passes quickly odesn't it?

  3. It's been a year already! Well congrats Bob! You have said quite alot in one year. Since I don't watch alot of tv, you have kept me very informed, an I thank you for it!!! And why did I think of you right of way when I heard about Oprah leaving her show? I knew you were doing a cartwheel!

  4. Congratulations Bob! Your blog means a lot to me. It's a must read!

  5. Congrats! Keep up the amazing job!!!

  6. Happy Blogiversary to you. Keep up the good work! :)

  7. Congrats on the blogiversary! Wishing you the inspiration for many more posts for many more years!

  8. Congratulations, Bob! We're glad you're here. Happy Blogiversary!!

  9. Happy Blogiversary, Bob! You're always one of my favorites to read, maybe because we agree on so many things, haha. I think I've been reading you for a while, and I didn't realize that I was on board fairly early. I wish you many more, my evil twin! >:]

  10. Congrats on your first Blogiversary, I am sure there will be many more :o)

  11. Good for you. We know it takes a lot of work to keep a blog interesting. Thanks for the effort.

  12. Congrats to a blogger who is interesting, provocative and making a difference!

  13. Happy blogiversary and hearty congratulations, Bob. It's been great getting to know you.

  14. Bob, Happy Blogiversary to you! Keep on talking and keep up the good work! I've had so much fun reading about your life, Carlos, Smallville, and everything inbetween. I love reading your commentaries and no one can put a conservative in their place better than you. Congrats!

  15. Happy anniversary darling. Keep on keeping on!

  16. I'm glad you are here. Your prospective keeps me balanced and challenged.

  17. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Congrats on the first year.

    Me, I've been blogging and bloviating going on five years now.

    Time flies when you're having fun.

  18. Darling Bob -

    Sorry to comment so late - but it's been a crazy weekend.

    I am such a proud Blogmama (like a Babydaddy, only fiercer) right now!!!! Happy blogiversary - and may you have many, many more.


    BTW - I appreciate you telling people that I "inspired" you to start blogging ... but I bet your thought process was more along the lines of ...

    "Oh, if THAT BITCH can blog, ANYBODY can ... let me sign up for Blogger right now..." :)

    I bet that's how it really went down ...


  19. Congrats on your 1st anniversary.
    I remain a big fan & daily reader.
    I really loved Gay History Month.
    I worry that you hold too much back!!!
    Hugs from Portland Oregon.

  20. Happy blogiversary, Bob!! As I have written on my blog more than once, I know I can count on you to keep me informed of all things gay/political/important. Seriously, you do an impressive job of covering the stories that matter. But I must admit my favorite stories of the ones of you and Carlos' life together! Again, happy blogiversary, and many more!!!


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