
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Gay News

We've got a bit of a mixed bag for you today. Some of the news is good, some great, some annoying, and some downright disgusting--that would be you, Governor--and some wonderful insights into what marriage is and isn't, was and was not, and will be.

Cynthia Stewart is a high school junior in Russellville, Alabama, and like any other high school girl, she is excited for prom. She joined the prom committee, and came up with the theme for the dance; she even raised money to fund the prom. But she probably won't be going.
Cynthia Stewart is a Lesbian, and she asked the principal of her school if she could bring her girlfriend to the prom. He said, No; and the he asked that she remove a button she was wearing that said, “I am a lesbian,” telling her, “You don't have that much freedom of speech at school.”
When Cynthia, her aunt, and her guardian asked again if she might bring her girlfriend to the prom the principal said that the prom would be cancelled. See, in Alabama, you can't have Lesbians at proms, even if they're on the committee, created the theme and raised money for it.
No Lesbians.
The ACLU is now getting involved.
The story is

Whatever you do, if you're gay and partnered, don't die in Rhode Island.
Rhode Island Governor Carcieri, who obviously is against marriage equality, has vetoed a bill that would have added "domestic partners'' to the list of people authorized by law to make funeral arrangements for each other.
In other words, gay couples in Rhode island now have no legal right to carry out their loved ones wishes. In his veto message, Asshat Republican Carcieri said:
"This bill represents a disturbing trend over the past few years of the incremental erosion of the principles surrounding traditional marriage, which is not the preferred way to approach this issue.
Carcieri, speaking quite clearly for a man who has placed his head deep into the recesses of his ass, also believes that allowing the decisions of a "partner"--gotta love the quotes on that one--would take precedence over "traditional family members.'' See, in the mind of this particular fucktard, gay men and women in committed relationships have no rights whatsoever.
So, remember, if you live in Rhode Island and are gay, make arrangements to die somewhere else.
The story is

And now, for some good news:
Sweden's Lutheran church announced it had ordained its first openly gay bishop, just two weeks after it gave priests the right to wed same-sex couples.
Eva Brunne, who lives in a "registered partnership" with another woman, was ordained as bishop of Stockholm's diocese in a ceremony this past Sunday. Eva and her partner also have a child together.
Brunne, elected as bishop last May, though not officially ordained until Sunday, said she hadn't encountered much resistance within the church because of her sexual orientation. The Church of Sweden has become more open toward sexual minorities in recent years, even voting in favor of allowing priests to wed same-sex couples in church ceremonies.
The story is

Asheville, North Carolina, is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. it's urban, it's rural, it's trendy, yet funky; it gets snow, it has warm summers. And it's absolutely breathtaking, from the Biltmore Estate to the Grove Park Inn and everywhere in between.
Now, it may become even more gorgeous. With the election of three new City Council members, Asheville will consider extending benefits to same-sex partners of city employees. Councilman-elect Gordon Smith says he will make that issue one of his first priorities.
And he isn't the only one. A majority of incoming, and sitting, council members also believe that one of their primary focuses this year will be providing benefits like health insurance and bereavement leave to partners of gay employees in committed relationships.
Asheville hopes to follow the lead set by Durham, North Carolina, where committed partners of homosexual and heterosexual city employees get benefits, including, health, dental, vision, bereavement and auto, home and life insurance coverage.
Like I said, it's beautiful there.
The story is

Now, this is the part of the ISBL Gay News Report where I climb on my soapbox and prattle on endlessly about something or other. But then I heard Dan Savage's take on the Institution of Marriage. He sums it up brilliantly.
Take it away, Dan....


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Ahhhh. Another reason to retire to Asheville!

  2. I agree with what you said about Asheville and love going there. I'm going to try to get that Dan Savage speech on my FB page. Perfect!

  3. I can't believe that story about the prom

  4. Nice blog, our cat. Tammy, is more beautiful than your cat. Hugs

  5. Bob, I don't know how I missed the Cynthia Stewart story.

    Asheville is an amazing city. Isn't it funny, I only seem to like the cities in the south. Go figure.

  6. Love Ashville and Biltmore. Also, great entry on "Ending the Silence".


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