
Friday, October 02, 2009


This story makes me happy. And sad.
Happy, because it's nice to see Bryan Batt and his long-time partner, Tom Cianfichi, getting married after being together for over twenty years.

And sad because they haven't been allowed to get married for most of the time they've been together.


David Letterman apparently had affairs with some women on his staff, and a male employee of CBS tried to extort $2 million from Dave or he'd go public with the story. Dave, instead, went to the District Attorney's office and they planned a sting. The man was ultimately arrested.

Sad, Dave, sad.

But, and this gets rich, the Conserva-Repub-Wingnurs are already having a field day over Dave's affairs. Seriously? Did I miss the part where Dave was running for public office and spouted traditional family valuers crap? Did I miss where Dave demanded Bill Clinton step down?

Hey! Conserva-Repub-Wingnuts? Mark Sanford. John Ensign. Larry Craig.

STFU already.

Jon and Kate + Eight was supposed to turn into just Kate + 8, until Jon demanded the show be stopped for the sake of his children. Kate, of course, says Jon's only doing this for his own self-promotion and she is doing what's best for 'her' children.

I got news for the both of youse asshats.

Get off TV and be parents.
STFU and be parents.
Grow a pair and be parents.
Get into counseling and be parents.
And, last, but not least, BE PARENTS!

Oprah did a show on hair.
Is that the bottom of the barrel being scratched that I hear?

Time to move on O.
Seriously. Move. On.


Everyone is talking about Sarah Palin's new book and how she wrote a 400-page story in less than four months. Well, I got news for y'all: she couldn't read 400-pages in four months so you know damn well she didn't write it.

Going Rogue, my ass.

Jay Leno's show is tanking.

Told ya so.
Told ya so.
Told ya.
Told ya.
Told ya so.

Paris Hilton.
Lindsay Lohan.
That's all.


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    As always, love your recaps and totally agree.

    Jon/Kate: PLEASE go away and go away now. Does anyone even care about these idots anymore? Better question, why did anyone care in the first place?!?

    Palin: She wrote that book like I did. What's sad is it's being ordered at record paces. Hopefully bonfires will take place.

    Leno: I've never understood his talent. He's one of the worst hosts. Totally uncomfortable and phony in the role. Why execs thought this show was going to be a success, I'll never know. They should have called us!

  2. A bit grouchy this morning, are we?

    My verification word is Ofart. Really.

  3. I read a comment from someone that Dave is grumpy, old, a liberal, and no longer funny. Why does any of that make him a horrible person? Sleeping with staff members? Maybe not cool, but certainly not reason to condemn him. The guy was being extorted, and that person has been arrested. Dave's not the one who committed a crime here. And I still think he's funny!

  4. I like your mini-rants. NBC isn't known for good decisions. I thought Leno's show would suffer in the ratings when the new season began. I've liked him on his show more than I do Conan.

    Good point about Letterman, and Beth is right. He's not the one who committed a crime. I'm glad they arrested the extortionist.

    Oprah wasn't able to convince the Olympic Committee in Chicago's favor. Just saying.

  5. Congratulations to Bryan and Tom. Celebrating love is just too wonderful.

    As for Dave, at least he didn't run away to Brazil or have his parents pay off anyone...

    J&K+8, you've never been on my screen, and never will.

    O has talked about retiring more often than Brett Favre. And that is an accomplishment.

    SP can go away faster than J&K.

    Never really liked Leno, doubt I ever will.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. As much as I like David for making fun of Sarah Palin, I am having a hard time with his, I fucked my staffers line. Call me prudish if you wish, but as a Latino, queer, living on the fringe, I know what power privilege does to those on the top, especially males, they abuse it. And it was a good move for him to call the deal out and bring the extortionist to justice. However that needs to be investigated.


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