
Sunday, October 04, 2009

Sarah "Wrote" A Book

Jimmy Fallon: "Sarah Palin's 400-page memoir is going to be released on November 17th, and it's called 'Going Rogue: An American Life.' And critics say that it starts out okay, it gets really exciting and then confusing, and then the last 100 pages are blank."

Jimmy Fallon: "The book costs $24.99, but it has a $5,000 jacket."

David Letterman: "People in Alaska are looking forward to Sarah Palin's memoir. They're already calling it 'The Book to Nowhere.'"

Jimmy Kimmel: "They say she finished the book ahead of schedule so they moved the release date up to November 17th. So, turns out she can finish something."

David Letterman: "It's a big, huge book. But when you go into the store, you can use that big book to step up so you can reach a better book."

David Letterman: "But the book has got a lot of beautiful color photos that Sarah has taken from her front porch -- beautiful pictures of Russia that she took from her front porch."


  1. She is so ridiculous, it's taken all the sport out of it! Ragging on her is like shooting fish in a barrel!

  2. Funny! You have a point, Miss Ginger. Thanks for posting them, Bob. I'd have missed them.

  3. know we're going to have so much to work with in the coming months. While I agree with Miss G and Joy--it IS like shooting fish in a barrel--there are so many that still by into her idiocy that I feel we have to point it out to anyone who might still be harboring tender feelings for Mama Grizzly. Our work is not done as long as she is still on the stage, and I'm going to do everything I can to push her off!

    SSIS! >:]

  4. Whoops, meant *buy*.

  5. funny, but it frightenss me that she is still considered to be a front runner.


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