
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mark Sanford: That's Our Asshat

I saw this over at 'Sam's place, Lazy Circles, today, but because I hold Mark Sanford in such high regard I thought I'd bring it over here.

Mark Sanford, for those who don't know, is our "fiscally conservative"governor here in South Carolina who uses state planes to fly back and forth to his summer plantation, who uses state funds to upgrade his seats on airplanes, and who charges the state for monies spent on gas traveling to work.

Mark Sanford, for those who don't know, is our "moral compass"here in South Carolina who wanted Bill Clinton impeached for the Monica Lewinsky affair, but then took himself on his own little Appalachian Booty Call to South America.

Mark Sanford, for those who don't know, is our law-abiding governor who, when his driver is stopped for speeding does not get ticketed, but rather he shakes hands.

That's our governor, and that's why we love him.

Love him? I kid. I meant loathe him.

1 comment:

  1. Bob, I'm so glad I don't live down south any longer. My blood pressure would be through the roof!


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