
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Paradise Lost

The other day I posted about Sacramento, and its treatment of the ever-increasing homeless population there. Homeless people are arrested, and their meager belongings held as evidence. The crime? Being homeless.

I thought I'd seen and heard it all.

Then I read about Honolulu. This little bit of paradise holds the #8 spot the list of Top 10 Meanest Cities towards the homeless. But it seems this dubious honor has gone unnoticed by city counselors.

You see, just this week they introduced a bill to prevent the homeless from sitting or lying down on Oahu sidewalks. Not people, just the homeless. It appears that Honolulu City Councilors feel that keeping homeless people out of sight is good for tourism. Maybe yes, maybe no, but what does it do for homeless people, other than shuttle them around like they don't exist or don't matter?

It's a disgrace that in this country we treat our citizens this way. it's a disgrace.

And in further efforts to keep the homeless moving along, Honolulu has been systematically removing benches from parks, retrofitting bus stops and installing concrete stools. Anything to hide the homeless from the tourists and make paradise seem, well, like paradise.

This new legislation, introduced by Councilman Charles K. Djou, comes on the heels of another outrageous piece of legislation, dubbed the "Body Odor Bill".

You read it right. Body.odor.Bill. It is designed to prevent people with a body odor from riding on public transportation. Luckily, this piece of asshattery legislation was quickly withdrawn.

It's insane that we treat people this way. many of these people are mentally ill, or have addiction problems and they could use help, not intimidation. They could use a place to stay instead of being told to move along or get off the bus.

This is disgusting.

This isn't paradise.

And this shouldn't be happening in America.


  1. I agree, this is shocking to hear

  2. It would be one thing if they were investing in infrastructure for the homeless (shelters etc) but it doesn't sound like they're doing this from an altruistic perspective.

  3. Portland tried to enact a "no sitting on the sidewalks" law, but it was struck down by the state Supreme Court

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. in New York City if you are homeless you can travel the world with no return ticket. Thanks to Bloombergh,now imagine me not able to deal with New York English, sent to China, where there is not even protection for new borns.

  6. A few years back while in Phoenix for business, a homeless man asked for some change. After handing over a few bucks, he said he was headed to the bus stop.
    Well, It seems that Phoenix at one time was giving the homeless $20 and a one way bus ticket on the local bus line to Chandler, a surrounding suburb, just to get them out of downtown.
    Bob, remember this is only what I was told so I dont know if it was actual fact.

  7. What infuriates me is people saying that these people would get a job if they really wanted to work. As you pointed out, many of them are mentally ill or have other problems. They aren't just "lazy." Jeez, get a clue!

  8. Is there anywhere that helps the homeless and doesn't punish them for existing?

  9. I've posted about this issue before... it's a huge problem not only in America but around the world. The saddest news of it all is that there really is no solution. We can build shelters and infrastructure until the cows come home, but that only helps the very small percentage of the homeless who are "down and out" and just need a boost. The largest percentage are clinically schizophrenic, and they have a phobic distrust of shelters, medicine, doctors, and any other form of help. Their paranoia keeps them from accepting the treatment they need and deserve.
    Meanwhile, the rest of us don't care to view these unfortunate folks who seeminhly don't want to help themselves.
    I wish there was an answer... I would support it!


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