
Thursday, September 03, 2009

Levi v. The Wink

Levi Johnston is talking again, this time to Vanity Fair, and I can imagine that Sarah Palin isn't happy. She likes us to believe in the Fairy Tale Sarah, and Levi gives us Reality TV Sarah.

Some tidbits:

The Palin house was much different from what many people expect of a normal family, even before she was nominated for vice president. There wasn’t much parenting in that house. Sarah doesn’t cook, Todd doesn’t cook—the kids would do it all themselves: cook, clean, do the laundry, and get ready for school. Most of the time Bristol would help her youngest sister with her homework, and I’d barbecue chicken or steak on the grill.

Can you picture Sarah Palin cooking? She couldn't slap together a cohesive sentence so I imagine a Sarah Palin dinner consisting of canned beans opened with a steak knife, some Ramen, a pot of hot water, and packets of Mickey D ketchup.

Sarah Palin? Cook? Tee followed quickly be hee.

Sarah told me she had a great idea: we would keep it a secret—nobody would know that Bristol was pregnant. She told me that once Bristol had the baby she and Todd would adopt him. That way, she said, Bristol and I didn’t have to worry about anything. Sarah kept mentioning this plan. She was nagging—she wouldn’t give up. She would say, “So, are you gonna let me adopt him?” We both kept telling her we were definitely not going to let her adopt the baby. I think Sarah wanted to make Bristol look good, and she didn’t want people to know that her 17-year-old daughter was going to have a kid.

Keep it secret? Of course, then Sarah could parade around another kid like it makes her Mother Of The Year. And I actually Levi and Bristol were smart to raise the baby themselves rather than throw it to the wolves.

Sarah was sad for a while. She walked around the house pouting. I had assumed she was going to go back to her job as governor, but a week or two after she got back she started talking about how nice it would be to quit and write a book or do a show and make “triple the money.” It was, to her, “not as hard.” She would blatantly say, “I want to just take this money and quit being governor.” She started to say it frequently, but she didn’t know how to do it. When she came home from work, it seemed like she was more and more stressed out.

I kinda figured this. I mean, here she was, running for the second highest position in the land, and she biffs it--although I'm sure in her mind it was all McCain's fault--and she has to go back to the icebox and govern those people. She could'a been'a contendah!

Now she's just a governor who can see Russia from her house.

Now, I don't put a lot of stock in Levi Johnston. He's out to make a buck and will do anything....he says maybe Yes to Playgirl....I threw up a little in my mouth....and say anything to fill his wallet. But still, does anyone really think of Sarah Palin as a domesticated mother? Cooking? Or do you see her as I do, as a power-hungry, fame-whoring opportunist out to do anything and everything for Sarah Palin no matter what happens to those around her?


  1. I am I crazy that I am beginiing to find Levi sexy?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The boy is cute and his sack full of yummies, no doubt, but after hanging out with Sarah, well he got a whiff for the cash and he is ready to pimp himself to Vanity fair and even Play Girl. Anyone that hears Sarah Palin talk, knows that she is only there for the Benjamins. She just wanted to capitalize on her play-boy-bunny politician appeal. How is it that millions of americans felt for her crap, only a sociologist can figure that one out. And like her there are thousands of repugs out there running this scam. They use buzz worlds, like family, God, Nation, Patriotism, Less government, with the endorsement of high profiles corporations, and whalla there banks accounts get fatter and fatter. Vanity Fair can expose the Palin's hypocrisy, but for repugs the rules only apply to others, they have God on their side to help them cuve the law.

  4. From my view they both look like power-hungry, opportunistic, fame whores. The only reason Levi gets some of my attention is that I'm assuming he's got a male appendage in the nether regions, but I notice everyone I think has a male appendage in the nether regions, so he really isn't special in that respect.

  5. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I am loving that Levi is talking. I'd guess he is the most honest of them all. The picture he is painting of Palin doesn't surprise me at all and I think it's much closer to the truth than the image she presented herself.

  6. I don't know the veracity of his remarks...but they sure made me laugh. I bet ol' Mama Grizzly is having quite the hissy fit right about now! SSIS! >:)

  7. Can we just send Sarah Palin away. And like soon?

  8. He's making money while he has the opportunity and is probably paying more child support than he would be if he were working in Alaska doing whatever he was doing. What is Bristol doing now? Is she going to school?

    I'll bet most of what he says about the Palins is as accurate as teenagers can be. It's hard to tell with them.


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