
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Joe Must Go

Thanks for the apology Joe, it was oh so insincere. However, I really ought to thank you, because without your ability to watch your mouth and remember where you are at any given moment, something most of us learn as children, we would not be seeing what we're seeing.

Twitter is over capacity, because of you, Joe. People are disgusted by your behavior, and not just those of us here in South Carolina. People are disgusted by you the world over.

And, while you check out the web, stop in at your opponent, Rob Miller's FaceBook page and see what folks think of your ignorance, your stupidity, your lack of decorum.

And then trot on over to ActBlue and see how much money Rob has raised since you opened your mouth and said the wrong thing at the wrong time. Last night, David Dust reported Rob has raised $20,000; now it's over $90,000!

Way to go, Joe. You ought to quit now and go work on Rob Miller's campaign.

Free speech is good, Joe. I love it. Stupid speech, however, just may get you out of office.

Those of you who despise the Joe Wilsons of the world, head on over to ActBlue and give a little to Rob Miller. Then head on over to Rob's Facebook and become a friend.

Say goodnight, er, goodbye, Joe.
UPDATE: Rob Miller has now passed the $200,000 mark!


  1. People's lack of resepct for our President is appalling! I'm just glad it wasn't someone from Texas! I bet he and Rick Perry would be good buddies!

    Interesting- my word verification is "aphol"!

  2. The republicans get more and more desperate and it doesn't reflect well. Truly bizarre.

  3. Over $108,000 raised thus far for Rob Miller, and counting. Amazing.


  4. still stunned by the complete disrespect!

  5. Disgraceful and disgusting! Asshats!

    I joined his group on FB and will contribute to his campaign along with the other contributions I make to the DNC. Once you do it the Dems never ever leave you alone. Just saying. I get testy when they keep calling me. They're an endless pit of wanting more and more money all the time.


Say anything, but keep it civil .......