
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What Would Noah Do?

What is it with Oklahoma? First, you puked Sally Kern all over the rest of us, and now you're giving us Anna Falling, a Republican for mayor of Tulsa.

See, Anna wants Creationism taught. No, not in schools, where some folks might be upset. And not in the home because Mom and Dad are too busy struggling to stay afloat to teach much of anything. And, no, not in church where it belongs.

No, Anna Falling wants Creationism taught at the city zoo.

"Some may ask why this issue during a Mayoral campaign? And I say why not?" said candidate Anna Falling.

For Anna Falling, the road to city hall runs through the Tulsa Zoo. Apropos, given that she's a Republican and most Republicans, especially those in Oklahoma, don't have the sense God gave a baboon. Falling has made her Christianity central to her platform because she's never heard of separation of church and state and believes that her beliefs are all that matter.


"Today we are announcing that God will be glorified in this city. He shall not be shunned. Upon our election, we hereby commit to honoring Him in all ways that He has been dishonored," said Anna Falling.

She feels God was dishonored four years ago, when the Tulsa Parks Board rejected an exhibit which borrows heavily from the first book of the Bible. But seriously, Anna, you think with the state of the world today God is taking even a nanosecond to think about the Tulsa Zoo?

Supporters argue the zoo includes other religious icons like the Hindu god, Ganeesh, and feel that Christianity should also have a place as well. But those who are against the idea say that the other exhibits are not there to proselytize, but to educate people about another culture. Anna Falling wants to promote Christianity. At the zoo.

"Unless we find ways to engage the Church back into public policy decisions we will be lost as a city, state and nation," said Anna Falling.

Bring the church into public policy making? What about those who aren't Christian, or are non-believers? Doesn't Anna Falling believe they should have a voice in public policy?

Or is she just aping Sally Kern?


  1. Noah would have declined her a seat on the ark.

  2. What becomes truly worrisome is that she made it thru the Republican Party to spew this crap.

  3. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Like I said, change the first "l" in her last name to an 'i' and you get Failing and that's precisely what her campaign is going to do. Fail! Miserably even.


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