
Friday, August 28, 2009

Quote of the Day

"I had moved back to Tucson with my kids because I just thought it was quieter, and my family was there. But Tucson has turned out to be a very conservative place, and I didn’t want my kids coming home from school saying things like ‘That’s so gay.’ So we moved back to San Francisco, and I sent my kids to a school that actively taught that homophobic remarks are just… not OK, and my kids’ attitudes have changed as a result of it.
Look, my kids are going to be able to form their own ideas, but at least I wanted them to be able to question things. My son is super pro-gay rights, and even though he has a girlfriend, I wanted him to know that as he emerged sexually, he’d be able to do whatever he wanted to do. You know, that it’s not something you have a choice over." Linda Ronstadt
So, here's a little Linda for you....and for me....


  1. Thanks for sharing that.

  2. I have always liked her, now I know why!

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM



  4. I have long been a fan of Linda Ronstadt, so this is just icing on the love-Linda cake.

  5. I've liked her so much for decades, yet how is it I didn't know she has children? Now I must google!


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