
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's Not A Huge Leap From Liar and Adulterer To Thief

Our beloved ::::cough:::: Governor Mark Sanford is in trouble again.

Not for cheatin' on his wife, that's old news.
Not for leaving his post unattended, he does that all the time.

No, now Marky Mark is in the political doghouse because he broke South Carolina state law by charging taxpayers for more expensive business and first-class flights when he travelled. See, Stimulus-Refusing-Asshat-Sanford likes to travel in style and he likes the people of South Carolina, where unemployment is one of the nations highest, to foot the bill.

Senator David Thomas, whose budget committee investigated Sanford's flights, sent evidence to Senate leaders showing the Republican governor and adulterer and liar violated state laws requiring the cheapest travel possible. Thomas said Sanford's more expensive flights on two trips cost the state $13,700 more than the economy class flights available.

There are families in South Carolina who don't make that much in a year.

Sanford, who once criticized other state officials for costly travel, also charged the people of South Carolina more than $37,600 for first-class and business-class flights overseas since November 2005 despite a state law requiring lowest-cost travel. Sanford's $12,172 charge for travel to China included business-class accommodations on United Airlines. The governor also flew in first class on a U.S. Airways flight to London in 2006 at a cost of $7,065, state records show.

Senator Thomas is also investigating allegations that Marky used state aircraft for personal and political trips, a practice that is contrary to state law, and Democratic Senator Vincent Sheheen and democratic Representative Boyd Brown called for an investigation.

Legislators can consider sanctions against Sanford ranging from demanding reimbursement to impeachment.

Impeachment. Yeah, that's the ticket. Adulterer. Liar. Thief. Yeah, impeach the SOB.

Senator Thomas does believe that it won't be a single issue, including violating state law to travel business and first class, that would trigger an impeachment process, but that legislators would consider a combination of concerns, including Sanford's business and first-class travel at state expense, use of state planes for personal and political trips and his mysterious disappearance earlier this year to visit his mistress in Argentina.

Sanford supporters, or Asshat Lovers, point to the fact that Sanford reimbursed the state for travel expenses incurred when he made a side trip to Brazil to see his booty call soul mate. But Sanford didn't offer reimbursement until the story broke.

See, only when caught with his hands in either the cookie jar or the Senorita's blouse does Mark Sanford do the right thing.


  1. Yet he still wont resign!

  2. You have to almost admire the brazen-ality of the man.

  3. No, because David didn't quit being king after whatever rationalization those C-Street Hypocrites use to stay in office.

    I would love to have a politician say, "Yes, I'm a Secular Humanist, so what?" "Yes, I believe in civil rights for everyone and am not breaking any laws or violating trust or cheating on my wife" and proves it. That would be a great country to live in!

  4. Your beautiful state can be really, really nutty, Bob!


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