
Wednesday, August 12, 2009

For Lil Ole Me?

I have been honored with an award by the Fabulousness that is Edder from I Don't Care For Your Tone--check her out, it is a magical piece of blogland--and to say that I am honored, well, just doesn't begin to cover it. I didn't even know I was nominated and here am I without speech in hand and no designer gown to wear as I begin my march toward the podium to thank all the little people that made it possible for me.....What?.....Okay. Fine. I'll get to it.

I’m told that the guidelines of this award are to list 7 of your personality traits, as evidenced on your blog and then pass the award on to 7 other blogs with notable personality. I’ve also been told that I am allowed to keep a copy of said award on my sidebar forever. And ever.
Here goes:
  1. I'm shy. Petrifyingly so. Not in situations where I am in control....does that make me a control freak?....but in situations which are new to me. Get me with my friends and family and I will rant and rage and stammer and yell and joke and ooze sarcasm from every pore. But put me in a room where i know less than two people and I literally become a wallflower. Seriously, I am able to will myself into the wallpaper.
  2. I have an overactive imagination. If Carlos is late coming home I immediately think horrendous car pile-up on I-20. If I call my dad and he isn't home and then i try again later and he still isn't home, I instantly conjure up a picture of him lying unconscious on the floor of his home. It's gruesome and it's usually wrong.
  3. I keep my friends close and my enemies locked in a tiny room under the house. I'm a good friend. A great friend, if I do say so myself. If I am your friend and you are mine, then there isn't anything I won't do to help you. I'd move the sun if that's what you needed. But cross me in ways I find utterly unacceptable, like, say, being an unrepentant liar with no moral code whatsoever and I will banish you to the aforementioned tiny room. I wish you no ill will, I just wish you'd been an honest person, or a trustworthy person, a person with honor.
  4. I am a complete dichotomy. See shy and not shy above. See over-active imagination and I will also tell you that I am an extreme optimist. I always see the silver lining or the rainbow or the Lotto ticket with the six winning numbers. I am exactly what you think I am and nothing like you ever thought possible. Oooooh, that sounds ominous, but it isn't. Really. I am just as interested in discussing health care or racism or politics as I am in talking about the Real Housewives of New York or what Lady GaGa wore on her head. I love nice clothes but I also adore a good thrift store jacket.
  5. I put off until tomorrow what I should have done six months ago. Or last year. or during the Nixon administration. I don't just procrastinate, I am a professional procrastinator. If I have free time today to get that thing done, all well and good, because I will most likely have the exact same amount of free time tomorrow and so why not just do it then because it'll be easier or quicker or better and if it isn't then I'll just do it some other time.
  6. I have a wickedly quick sense of humor that sometimes only I understand. case in point: a co-worker showed up one day with a giant black leather belt, with silver accents, draped over her hips. I instantly said, "Graceland gift shop?" I'm the only one who got it. I also have a tendency to be a little too, Karen Walker, shall we say: I will sometimes address people, mostly people I know, by what they're wearing. it goes like this: "Excuse me, Gingham, do you have a pen I could borrow?" or "Hey Denim Shirt? Can I squeeze by?"
  7. I am a hopeless romantic. Even at the worst of times with Carlos, and we've had a few but I'm, you know, looking on the bright side, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. When he drives me so insane that I want to squeeze his neck hard enough that his head pops off, I remind myself that the alternative, not being with someone who drives you utterly mad from time-to-time, is far worse than his making me crazy. or, my making him crazy, which is an impossibility. I mean you can tell by the way I've just poured out my heart and soul, my guts, my innermost feelings, that i am a truly remarkable person and Carlos is lucky to have me. And vice versa.
And now, I present the award to the following--and I won't be offended [much] if you don't do it:
Mr Peenee at Mr Peenee
Stephen at Post Apocalyptic Bohemian
Howard at Soundtrack To My Day
Lou at The Quiet Life
Micahel at The Michael Rivers Blog
Miss Ginger at The Fabulous Blog Of Miss Ginger Grant
Mistress at A Day with The Mistress Borghese


  1. Anonymous11:32 AM

    I won!?!?! I am speechless and humbled!! With there also be a Winner's Dinner? Shall I rent a tux?!?!

  2. Always thank the Academy first, then a humble little speech about how everyone else deserves it more (that everyone knows is a lie) then a quick joke and then get off the stage before the music starts.

    I had no idea you were shy. You seem so sensible and well-spoken, I assumed that's what you were like in real, non-blog life.

  3. Congrats on the award! I loved your answers, and I see that there's a reason I like you so much. I think we're evil twins. That's right--there's no good twin and evil twin. We're both kinda evil. :D

  4. I deserve any & all awards that can come my way...but thank you from my bottom, I mean- from the bottom of my heart. Watch for my response.

  5. Anonymous5:07 PM

    20mg of Celexa should help with the overactive imagination.

    BTW, I loooooved your comment about Sugar Crestridge sounding more like a Senator's trophy wife than your stripper name. Hilarious.


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