
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Grandma's Gone Crazy

This is what happens when people don't listen, don't read and think for themselves, and don't pay attention. Listen all the way to the end and hear this woman's last statement of fact.


  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Oh my. This one missed her daily dose of medication to control those paranoid feelings.

    Accosted huh? I commented on the video that I was a highly offended MoveOn member.

  2. I think Grandma's a sandwich shy of a picnic. I like the part where the Grim Reaper counselors are gonna come to anyone over 55 and say "Take this pill and dahhhh." I think that might be my phrase of the day. "Take this pill and dahhhh." I just said it to the cat. LOL He seems unimpressed.

    Evil Twin >:D

  3. Sadly many Americans are too lazy to read the facts or pay attention to those who actually speak. They prefer to get their 'information' from FEAR mongers who misquote and take things out of context. It really is a sad commentary on America.

  4. Unfortunately I know some people like her. One of them just commented on my latest post. They make me so sad because they have no idea they're being manipulated. How can they be so ignorant?

  5. this is all so damn sad. But what amazes me is how quickly the republicans have come together on this. Too bad the dems cant so the same!

  6. Anonymous6:46 PM

    I'm hearing this from my own educated, retired colleagues. One sent a letter that allegedly Scopes validated with the actual wording in the proposed bill that contained these kinds of beliefs about the new health care. the contens of this alleged bill in congress,were so far fetched that even the lady in this video wouldn't be able to believe them. But my colleagues did.

  7. Holy grim reaper pills batman!


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