
Friday, August 28, 2009

The Asshat King!

Apparently, while believing Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain and Tupac are lunching at a Cracker Barrel in West Virginia, Michael Steele also believes that the Democrats want to push health care so they can, gulp, kill Republicans!
Steele talks out of both sides of his ass at the same time and neither side makes sense.


  1. Glad my parents became Independents!

  2. He is such a funny character. This dude like Alberto Gonzales, are nothing but colonized dogs. I have so little respect for people of color that loose their dignity, over self-interest. They will even sell their mothers out, if it’ll bring them a profit.

  3. I'm so disappointed in him

  4. Long live Rachel and her commentary! Not making same wish for Michael Steele.

  5. He's pretty pathetic. Not only is he a lapdog, his argument is completely incoherent and nonsensical.

  6. When I had students like this, I worried that they might reproduce and never could figure out what kind of job they would ever be able to do. Now I know.


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