
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My Life Is A Song Title

I saw this at Edder's Place, I Don't Care For Your Tone, who saw it at Michael Rivers: The Blog, and I figured, What the hell. Try it. It's harder than it seems. What you do is answer each question using only song titles from one artist. My selection was easy: Diana Ross, because I'll always be a young gay boy at heart, and because she asked me to dance once:

Are you male or female? – He

Describe yourself – Come see About Me

How do you feel about yourself - It's My Turn

Describe where you currently live – It's My House

If you could go anywhere, where would you go – I'll Try Something New

Favorite form of transportation - Let Me Go The Right Way

Your best friend is – A Breath Taking Guy

Your favorite color is – Little Girl Blue

What's the weather like – Lovely Day

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called – Upside Down

What is life to you – Endless love

What is the best advice you have to give – I'm Gonna Make You Love Me

If you could change your name, what would it be – The Boss

Your favorite food – Buttered Popcorn


  1. Anonymous11:04 AM

    What great choices! I love love Diana Ross. Now I want to redo my answers. haha. Diana asked you to dance? I want the story!

  2. You danced with The Boss? Damn!

  3. Have to think about that about You Are My Sunshine' or My Darling Clementine" My memory isn't waht it used to be.

  4. Wow - you went big, my lad.

    Anyway - I've also jumped into the pool. Check it out.

  5. Brilliant answers! And I want the "I Danced With Diana Ross" story, too.

    Thanks for mentioning my wee blog :)

  6. Yes. The "Miss Ross Asked Me to Dance" is a must-share tale.

  7. You made it look so easy, but I did it!
    That's MISS Ross, to you.

  8. That was fun to read. If I can squeeze in the time, I'll try it. I'm trying to catch up on my blog reading! Things have been a bit hectic lately.


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