
Monday, July 20, 2009

Honey? My Wienermobile Is Stuck

Not everyone is in love with the Oscar Mayer Wiener.
Mobile that is.
The famed hot dog's Wienermobile crashed into the deck and garage of a home in Mount Pleasant, Wisconsin.
Police say the driver was trying to turn the Wienermobile around in the driveway and thought she was moving in reverse. But she instead went forward and hit the home. It sat in the driveway as if it were stuck in the garage Friday afternoon.
No one was home and no one was injured. No citations were immediately issued. Both the home and vehicle suffered moderate damage, which Oscar Mayer spokeswoman Sydney Lindner says insurance will cover.
So many times I've had trouble getting my Wienermobile turned around.
Just sayin'.


  1. So many puns, so little time.

  2. i had me weiner stuck in the garages dorr once.

    Dont Ask!

  3. I understand... I have trouble navigating my weinermobile much of the time.

  4. DuPree said...
    So many puns, so little time.
    (what he said!)

  5. For those that are having a tough time getting a handle on their wiener, I would be more than happy to lend a hand, and take it out for a spin.

  6. Oops a runaway wiener.

  7. I once years ago had a Mayer Wiener stuck in my......oh never mind! Howard, you naughty boy!!!

  8. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Tell us...what kinds of accidents have you had?

  9. I dont know how many times I've passed that wienie.

  10. Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner, that is what I'd really like to be... because if I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner, everybody would be in love with me.



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