
Wednesday, July 08, 2009

God Save The Queen. Seriously.

The Queen of England has extended her support to a church movement which denounces homosexuality. She has, apparently, sent two letters of support to the Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans, which fights against the preaching of "false gospels" of homosexuality and other "immoral" sexual behaviour.

This Fellowship--odd name for an anti-gay group because, well, to me, fellowship sounds waaaaaaay gay--opposes gay unions and the ordination of women and gays, instead promoting "orthodox, biblical Anglicanism".

The asshat in charges of the fellows, one Bishop of Rochester, Dr Michael Nazir-Ali, believes "gays must repent and be changed,"and feels that the Church of England must not be "rolled over by culture".

The Fellowship, really, gay, is concerned over the Anglican church heading in a more liberal direction and says that the Queen wrote to them last year saying she “understood their concerns” about the future of the 80 million-strong global church. her newest letter offers support for a gathering of conservative bishops and arch-bishops from around the world to be held today in London.

Obviously, gay rights advocates are up in arms. Peter Tatchell claimed the Queen, who is the supreme governor of the Church of England, had made "a serious error of judgement" and says:

"Her letter of support for the breakaway anti-gay faction of the Church of England is collusion with prejudice. She has insulted lesbian and gay people and breached royal protocol by embroiling herself in an issue of religious and political controversy. It is very alarming to see the Queen endorse a homophobic grouping within the Church of England. She is taking sides, against gay equality.
"Her Majesty is aligning herself with a Christian fundamentalist grouping that is founded almost entirely on its opposition to gay priests and gay human rights. Homophobic prejudice and discrimination is central to its religious ethos.
"Many leading members of FCA believe the civil and criminal law should discriminate against gay people. They do not believe that we are entitled to equal rights."
Buckingham Palace refused to comment on what it said was private correspondence.

God Save The Queens, and the Fellows.


  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I hope they put her in the Tower of London.

    I'm no monarchist and neither am I a supporter of any faction of the Anglican Communion.

    They are about as much good as each other.

    (UK resident)

  2. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Unlike Micky, I am somewhat of a monarchist and this news is incredibly distressing!

    I don't even know how this can be possible! She's got a gay kid for crying in the sink!

  3. Wasn't the Anglican church created so that Henry VIII could murder his wife and marry a new one? Or am I getting my history knickers all bunched up?

  4. Hey, isn't Liz like on welfare? Doesn't she get a nice fat check through Parliament every year? And, isn't a portion of those funds being generated by tax paying GLBT folks?

    So, Liz is biting some of the hands that feed her. Bad Liz, bad Liz. She needs to be put on a short leash.

  5. Okay, so not really welfare, however, the people are putting serious coins in the purse of hers.

    Go here for more:


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