
Thursday, July 16, 2009

File Under WTF South Carolina

What is wrong with the people of South Carolina?

Okay, loaded question, because, well, to answer that we'd be here all day and ::::taps watch::::: I've got things to do.

But, seriously, in recent polls most people in South Carolina wanted our Governor, Appalachian-Trail-Hiking-Argentinean-Woman-Mounting-Lying-To-Anyone-And-Everyone-Sanctity-Of-Marriage Mark Sanford to resign; the others wanted to pray for him. Don't get me started on those fools.

So, if you're Mark Sanford, and you're governing a state with one of the highest unemployment rates in the nation, and you've lied to your constituency about where you go and who, or is it whom, you do, how do you respond?

You leave town with the lovely Jenny.

Sanford, who recently came back from his week-long hike and cried to all of us about how unfaithful he's been and what a liar he's been, has cancelled all appointments and gone on a little vacation to try and fix his marriage; you know, the one to the woman who isn't his soul mate?

His aides have gone to great lengths to tell us that he has left the state but he's still "in country." They say they know where he is, this time, but won't reveal his location or travel plans.

So, people of South Carolina, we have a governor who lied to us and left the state, a governor who fought tooth and nail to keep stimulus money from our state, a governor who has disappeared from office thirty-nine times this year, who now feels the need to take time off and work on his marriage.

If he's so interested in saving his marriage that he cannot perform his duties as an elected official then why are we allowing him to stay in office?

Seriously, what is wrong with you people?


  1. Wasn't it his lieutenant governor who said he called him many times and left messages and never heard from him? And that a company wanted to talk with him about expansion which would create jobs? That's what I think Rachel reported.

    No kidding about what's wrong with many people!

  2. It just slays me that NOW he wants to work on his marriage. You know...after he got caught. You might have thought about that, Gov, before jetting to Argentina to spend time with your mistress. Sheesh.

  3. As I said in a recent blog, you have to love these guys who think nothing of dropping their pants with someone who isn't his wife; who scream loudly they are for "family values," but can with no bit of remorse--nay, worse than that, work hard to deny gays and lesbians the same right to marry.

    Is screwing around on their spouces what they think constitutes a happy marriasge and family values? What a hypocrite!


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