
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Doing The Right Thing

Well now, this is good news indeed.

The Episcopal Church voted read that right, consecrate more bishops who are openly gay.

Huh? What? Huh? You mean they are paving the way for more men and women like Bishop Gene Robinson?

With this new vote, opening “any ordained ministry” to openly gay men and lesbians, the Episcopal Church put an end to what had been thought of as a moratorium on ordaining gay bishops, which the church passed three years ago. This so-called moratorium was mainly seen as an effort to appease those conservatives in the church, the ones who believe God Hates Fags, though they would never carry the sign in public.

Many are looking to the Episcopal Church and it's new ruling as the first step toward true unification in the church; it may well set the standard for other denominations, as well.Many in the Episcopal Church don't see this as 'overturning' the moratorium, but simply a proclamation of who the Episcopal Church is, and the fact that they already have hundreds of openly gay laypeople, priests and deacons, and the earth has gone to hell in a handbasket.

“It’s not an attempt to fly in the face of the Anglican Communion,” said Bonnie Anderson, president of the House of Deputies, which represents laypeople and clergy members. “It’s an attempt to deepen relationships with the rest of the communion, because real relationships are built on authenticity.”

Still there are the homophobes and haters who see this as the beginning of the end of life as we know it.

People like the Reverend Shannon S. Johnston, coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Virginia, who voted against it because “I thought we would be seen as uncooperative and not a team player in the Anglican Communion.”

Uncooperative? Uniting people in their faith is uncooperative? Silly reverend.

But then we have young Zack Brown, a youth delegate from the Diocese of Upper South it me or is South Carolina filled with asshats? You see, young Zack begged the House of Deputies just before their final vote, “Please don’t vote in a way that makes more conservatives feel the way I do now: like I’m the only one left.”

Yes, Zack, let's not make you feel ostracized when we can keep doing it to the queers.

After all, we're used to it.


  1. The Unitarians are saying, 'really, it'll be fine, don't worry so much'.

  2. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Sorry, did I just yawn?


  3. Religion in general is on the decline. They should be grateful to anyone who wishes to be a leader in the church.


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