
Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Joe Jackson, once again denying he ever beat his son: "I never beat my son. The media keep hollerin' saying that I beat my son. That's not true. You know where this beating started? The beating started in the slavery days when they used to beat the slaves, and then used to torture them. That's where this 'beating' started. These slave masters. And that's where that come from. But hey, there's a lot of people in America, Larry. A lot of people in America spank their kids. If they say they don't, they're lying. Now Michael was never beaten by me, never beaten at all."

First off, Joe, blaming the beating of your children on slavery? You need to try a new approach, because, unless you were the slave master and Michael was the slave, you, as usual make no sense. Your own children have said you beat them, so they must be the liars. Your own son made certain that his children would be raised by his mother and not you.

That speaks volumes, Joe, and it makes sense. You do not.

Chris Brown apologizing for beating Rihanna: "Since February my attorney has advised me not to speak up even though ever since the incident I wanted to publicly express my deepest regret and accept full responsibility....I felt it was time you heard directly from me that I'm sorry."

Well, Chris. A real man does not beat women. And a real man takes responsibility for his actions from the moment they happen. He doesn't hide behind the advice of attorneys. he doesn't say nothing for months and then offer a written apology. I cannot help but think that if you'd been allowed to speak further you would have gone on to publicize an upcoming tour or that you have a new album dropping. It's too little, Chris, and it's too late.

Show the world that you're sorry through your actions, not some prerecorded videotaped apology.


  1. Thank you. These 2 are real pieces of work.

  2. My favorite line from Chris Brown's teleprompter read was "I've told Rhiannna"
    So you told her did you?


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