
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Yup, He's ::::yawn:::: Gay

I don't know about you, but I'm not all. I mean, I always suspected he was gay, like I always knew Ellen was gay, or Elton was gay, or David Hyde Pierce was gay, before they uttered THE WORDS.

And it's like I always knew Clay Aiken was gay, even when he was stomping his size 13 pumps and declaring himself NOT gay.

Adam Lambert is gay.

Good for you, Adam. Enjoy the toaster.

Lambert proclaims that he supports the gay-rights movement but doesn't want to be really involved.

"I'm trying to be a singer, not a civil rights leader," he says.

Well, I have news for you, Adam: You are a civil rights leader. I believe that every single gay person that comes out is a civil rights leader because it shows the world how many we are, where we are, how different we are.

It shows the world that we are.


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Well put.

  2. Yeah, big surprise, huh? But I love that he waited for his interview with Rolling Stone, and dude, he's on the cover! Someone should write a song about that.

    He also makes no apologies for it, says he's proud of it, etc. The excerpts I read were great--he was just very matter-of-fact about it. Sort of like, "Yeah, I'm gay. So what?" Made me like him even more, and I didn't think that was possible!

  3. Adam Lambert is a homo? No! Really? Shocking!

  4. wow. I'm so glad he cleared that up for everyone.

    And you are correct. He IS a leader now, weather he likes he or not.

  5. I'm with you 100% on this. It's really irritating and frustrating when GLBT people are in high profile media positions and they spit out the 'I'm not a role model/civil rights leader'...come on. Great post!

  6. he looks cute with that little beard thing goin on.....

  7. Its nice that he didn't wait like 4 years to confirm this publicly, like Gay Aiken. BTW, Adam was robbed on AI.


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