
Monday, June 29, 2009

Took You Long Enough, Delaware

It took ten years, but Delaware finally did the right thing.

After a decade-long fight, gays and lesbians in Delaware will have legal protection from discrimination under a bill that passed the General Assembly last Wednesday night. The House chamber erupted in applause, cheers and hugs when the measure passed; the Senate passed the same measure an hour earlier. The bill now goes to Governor Jack Markell for his signature; Markell has expressed support for it.

Opponents , of course, argued that the bill pushes their religious convictions aside in favor of "sexual liberties."

Sexual liberties? How about discrimination? That's what it is, discrimination, and your god probably is not a fan of it.

Senator Robert Venables, a Democratic asshat, that's him right there, looking all smug and homophobic, opposes the bill, which means he favors discrimination and inequality, make no mistake about that. He says he does not think discrimination based on sexual orientation exists. He doubted that homosexuals should be given legal protection for what he said was a lifestyle choice.

Discrimination against the gay community doesn't exist?
Apparently Venables has never read a paper or turned on a TV or left his own gay-free house. He didn't hear about the lesbian couple denied the family discount at an Idaho water park because they really aren't a family; he doesn't know about gay people being denied jobs and house simply because they're gay?.

Then, it gets worse.

Robert Venables: "I'm convinced that lesbians can be made. I don't want it taught in our schools that this is a normal lifestyle."

Lesbians can be made? Is there a lesbian factory out there somewhere that I know nothing about? Is he afraid that if we teach lesbianism and gayology in schools that all the kids will want jobs at the Homo Assembly Line?

Seriously? This man is an elected official?

Luckily no one listens much to Robert Venables.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we gay Delawareans (and home-made lesbians) are doing the happy dance! The Gov will sign the bill on Thurs at the GLBT community center in gay-friendly Rehoboth Beach.


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