
Monday, May 18, 2009

It's Hate, Y'all, No Matter How You Try To Mask It

This, y'all, is ignorance, South Carolina style.
Lawmakers have given key approval to a new teen dating violence policy that excludes references to gay relationships. In a 75 to 25 vote, the House approved a bill that will require the state's school districts to distribute information to parents and students about the dangers of abusive teen relationships. Repugnant Representative Greg Delleney included an amendment that all written materials reference heterosexual relationships only.

Y'all know, here in South Carolina the gay folks don't matter.

The sponsor of the bill, Repugnant Representative Joan Brady is fine with the amendment to her bill because most dating violence occurs in girl-boy relationships. “My intent is to make sure that every child is protected,” Brady said. “But the predominant occurrence of teen dating violence occurs in girl-boy relationships.” Yes, Joan, but there is violence is gay dating relationships, too, but apparently you think it's okay.

“I don’t want the Department of Education or school districts to teach children in grades six through 12 about (same-sex) relationships,” Delleney said.

They aren't teaching same-sex relationships, they would be protecting any student from being physically attacked. Apparently Greg Delleney thinks it's just fine for gay students to be abused because they're, you know, different.

Gay rights advocates say Delleney’s amendment is another attempt to ignore the gay and lesbian community. I say it's mush worse, it's saying that violence toward any gay or lesbian individual doesn't matter as much as violence toward a heterosexual person. Sounds like a simple case of hate to me.

1 comment:

  1. [rolling her eyes] You'd think they'd realize at some point how stupid they sound, wouldn't you?


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