Friday, May 15, 2009
Caribou Barbie Ain't Gonna Like This
Pretty, ain't it?
Civil liberty advocates are urging the Anchorage Assembly to pass a newly introduced gay rights ordinance that would ban housing, education, or employment discrimination against gays and lesbians; it would also prohibit discrimination against military veterans. Opponents claim the measure tacked on vets to make it appeal to more people.
Or maybe, just maybe, it's there to prevent discrimination.
"There isn't really a tie between those who are veterans of wars and those who are having sexual orientation issues," said Jim Minnery with the Alaska Family Council--another name that conjures up images of June Cleaver, Ward, and the Beaver. "We don't believe homosexuals and lesbians are being homeless and without jobs because of their sexual orientation. There's plenty of businesses and landlords across the community that are more than willing to be tolerant."
First off, Jim, I don't have sexual orientation issues. You and your cute little group have issues with my sexual orientation. See how that works. You say one thing and then put the blame on the person you're talking about. There's a lot of that going on these days, but most of the offenders don't see it.
Alaska resident Diana Wolfe is building a Web site and wants to write about her life, especially about her fight for gay rights. "I'm just a normal person and so is my partner," she said. "Why do we have to hide who we are?"
Well, Diane, apparently you need to hide who you are so you can get a job, or rent a home, or, well, just be treated equally. Jim Minnery wants all LGBT Alaskans to go back in the closet and behave nicely. Quit asking for equality.
And, of course, there are those against the ordinance who say it would limit religious liberties, not civil liberties.
I keep trying to remind y'all. There is a separation of church and state in this country, so quit using your religious ideology to fight laws about discrimination. I don't want to step on your beliefs, so get offa me.
Lastly, and this is odd, this same issue came before the Assembly way back in the 70s; it was approved, but was vetoed by then-Mayor George Sullivan, father of current Mayor-elect Dan Sullivan. Hopefully this won't be a case of Like Father, Like Son.
Acting Mayor Matt Claman supports the measure and says he doesn't plan to veto it. Mayor-elect Sullivan says he still needs to review the ordinance.
I say it's a step toward non-discrimination.
That can only be good.
You broke it down brother. Hallelujah!
ReplyDeleteDiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is banned in several states, and the number is growing. It is banned by statute in California, for example. It is just tacked on to the Title VII-type statute the state has, along with race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, marital status, etc. This should be a no brainer. In fact Congress ought to amend Title VII and add it. It's needed. I handle cases all the time on this issue. California also now protects trans-gender persons. We do not treat everyone "equal," so until we do, we need these laws and they ought to be Federal ones.