
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Bob and Carlos.....Angels and Demons...Which One Am I?

So, Carlos and I went to see Angels & Demons the other day. We enjoyed it, though it wasn't as thrilling as The DaVinci Code. But then the book wasn't as thrilling. Still it was good. Intrigue. Drama, Tom Hanks. Beautiful scenery, Hot Italian men.

But, as usual there are Carlos-isms to deal with. Like how I buy a soda before we go in, and I get the big one, the one that comes on wheels and has handles so you can shuttle it into the theater. As I sit down, I say to Carlos, "Do you want some soda?"

"Not yet," is his reply.

So we settle in and enjoy the movie. I, of course, have also purchased the garbage can sized bucket'o'popcorn and Carlos says he wants none of it. S'okay, I am a popcorn junkie and I know I'll finish it off. So I crunch the corn and sip the coke.

Crunch. Sip. Crunch. Sip.

Soon the corn is gone and it's SipSipSip. For two hours. The credits roll and then, and only then, does Carlos reach over, pick up the industrial vat of soda and whimper, "It's all gone."

Uh yeah, It's been two hours!

Now, another Carlos-ism. And I can read him like a book. Well, maybe not a book, but a short story....okay a comic strip. A single-panel comic strip.

We're watching Angels & Demons, and there is the obligatory high-speed race through Rome, and I know what Carlos is gonna say, so I sit and wait. And wait. And wait.
Finally, it comes.

"Pretty car."

We once sat through a very heavy dramatic film and in one extremely powerful scene, Carlos nudges me and says, "What do you think of that lamp for the living room?"

Now, I will, for purposes of full-disclosure, reveal my Bob-isms. The afore-mentioned Vat'o'Coke and Barrel'o'Popcorn we've already discussed. But I also do a very annoying cheerleader like clap when the previews begin. I do loves me some previews. And, of course, after each preview, I review it and give a one-word ruling.


Although lately I give more Nos and Cheeses than anything else.
What can I say, it's a gift.


  1. Daughter said 'the book was better', Dyslexic GB says, 'there was a book?'

  2. Hilarious! I usually eat my fill of popcorn during the previews, and partway into the movie, then hand the rest off to Ken (who has eaten maybe a little bit once the movie starts). The "vat o' Diet Coke" we share throughout. He always does Milk Duds, and I'm either Kit Kat bites or Twizzlers. Mmm, I'm hungry for movie junk now! XO Beth

  3. Hilarious! I splurge on the big popcorn, as I have a big purse pre-filled with goodies I have purchased from somewhere that doesn't charge an arm and a leg. I am usually snacked up nice 'n good.

  4. TO funny, yes Bill and I also splurge on the Gigantic Popcorn with the one free refill, along with All you can drink CocaCola. Bill tries to drink, and eat the popcorn on pace so that when the movies end he can have them refilled to take home. yes, I'm already in the car by this time. The previews sometimes are the best part of the whole movie going experience. Also, My baby is the one always rattling the damn bag during the most dramatic moments.

  5. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Just love the soda description- great image

  6. God, you two sound like the younger, southern version of us!

  7. I love these stories! You two crack me up. I do that, too, with the previews. I always want to know where movies are filmed and have had to learn to restrain myself not to ask but wait and find out during the credits unless something helps me figure it out.


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