
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Tiara Is On But Nobody Is Home


In California yesterday, a spokesman for the Miss California pageant denied that contest officials told the reigning beauty queen, Carrie Cavewoman Prejean, to publicly apologize for her statement opposing same-sex marriage during the Miss USA pageant or risk losing her crown.

See, Carrie Prejean took to the pulpit on Sunday and claimed that producers of the state pageant told her to apologize to the gay community and to avoid mentioning religion when she appeared last week on the “Today” show and other national programs.

Lying in the pulpit? How could someone do tha.....Oh wait.....never mind.

A San Diego public relations representative by the name of Roger Neal, who said he was one of the people advising Prejean, called her claims lies, saying that contest officials only urged Prejean to reiterate that she didn’t mean to offend anyone and to use the national spotlight “to heal some wounds,” he said.

She chose to stand up in church and in front of the media and say something that was a lie,” Neal said. “No one ever said, ‘You must apologize to the gay community,’ and no one ever said, ‘Don’t talk about your faith or your religion.’ Those two things never came out of anybody’s mouth.”

Prejean, of course, did not return a call from The Associated Press.
Now, I did say the other day that Prejean was entitled to her views, whether I agree with her or not, and it's pretty clear that i don't. She has since, however, come out and said that being gay is a choice, something we choose to to over time. You know, us gay folks aren't so smart. We choose to be less than, beaten, denied equal rights, and for what....the fabulous clothes, the parties, the nightlife? Carrie, honey, I didn't choose to be gay--though I wouldn't change it for the world even if I could--but you, dear, have clearly chosen the road marked Stupid.


  1. Amen brother!!!! wow, just when you think the girl couldn't GET any more stupid...she opens her mouth again....

  2. I don't think she knows that the train has left the station in the minds of a majority of American citizens. And support for gay marriage has jumped significantly in the past couple months. The social agenda is being left in the dust, hopefully forever.

  3. This story NEEDS to die.


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