
Wednesday, April 08, 2009

This Is What We're Up Against

Just saw this over at Joe.My.God.--after not blogging for a day, I am playing catch up with my faves--and this would be kinda funny, if it also weren't kinda scary. These are some reactions to Vermont's legalization of gay marriage:
  • "I await the volcanoes, the tsunamis, the hurricanes and hopefully, the destruction of Vt and its pacifist secular socialism by the Lord. I actually do want it to happen with good Americans being protected as we see in the OT, when God protects believers that do good and trust the Lord. Since VT doesn’t seem to believe in the Biblical God or His standards, perhaps a nice lesson in humility would be a nice taste of God’s wrath."
So, these believers in the Bible think God is a wrathful God, who will obliterate Vermont because of it's stance on equality? Wow, that is not the kind of god I can get behind.

  • "Homosexuals like to target beautiful areas and states to infect them with their agenda to force the abhorrent lifestyle upon the unsuspecting, though often liberal-tending, population. It is going on all over the country."
Yes, it is well-known that "the gays" like beautiful things; we're funny that way. But again, the Gay Agenda is to be treated equally, nothing more. Nothing less.

  • "Now it is time for the animal-lovers to file a lawsuit to get recognition of marriage between humans and animals. Equal protection and all..."
Ah, the old gay=bestiality argument. Stupid is as stupid does.

  • "And I guarantee that kids in Jr High and younger who have this stuff pushed at them “love” and marriage, HAVE NOT A CLUE, what it takes to commit a homosexual act. If they are told the truth, they will naturally be repelled"
Yeah, talking about love and marriage is a fate worse than death; and some of those kids won't feel repelled, but, instead, might feel like they belong, like they aren't alone, like they aren't the only ones.

  • "I really would love to see millions of conservatives not republicans move out of their liberal states think about it they will lose money red state gets mroe [sic]money we have the second amendment recognised to people who go to church not laughed at we would increase the electoral college count too"
Now this, what can I say about this? These are the words of some illiterate motherfucker who has the right to vote. This is acceptable?

  • "they account of 5% of the population yet there is so much fact and numbers about them being sick , dying,disease, serial killers, child molesters etc we have to counter the Hollywood for two girls being together is sexy, it is not the lesbians are not Hollywood they are manly looking wearing strap ons. men who are doing it are poking in a hole where our waste comes out and then they suck it. disgusting and not cool. yes it is sick and visual but I found it is the only way for us normal people to understand how sick these people are"
"They." There it is, my favorite word. "They." And then this moron goes on to lump him/herself into what is called "us normal people."


  1. It's amazing that people are still so fucking stupid. Look, I drive a truck and am in a different city every day. The ignorance is unreal.

  2. Well, now they'd be surprised at what middle schoolers know. It isn't your parents' junior high anymore. ;-)

  3. Jeez. I guess you're right, you have to kind of laugh at such ignorance and stupid statements. So you target beautiful areas and states, huh? I guess that means straights are left with the ugly places. Darn you and your Gay Agenda™! ;)


  4. I think I have said this before, but I can not believe how religious people use God as an excuse to hate people they don't understand or agree with it. It really just pisses me off royally.


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