
Thursday, April 23, 2009

This Is What Logic And Common Sense Sound Like

Speaking last Friday at the Log Cabin Republicans' 2009 convention in Washington, D,C., Republican....Yes, Republican....New Jersey Governor Christine Todd Whitman said that the United Sates government should have no say about marriage, and the plank in the GOP platform that calls for preserving marriage between a man and a woman should be scrapped. Whitman also believes that the United States military should drop Don't Ask Don't Tell, and should not differentiate between homosexuals and heterosexuals.

Tell it sister!

Whitman believes that the only way back for the GOP would be to become more moderate. more inclusive, in it's policies and politics.

“Well, I am somebody who believes in the separation of church and state and that the government, frankly, ought to be out of the business of marriage entirely. It ought to be everybody – heterosexual, homosexual. When you go down and register to get married, that’s when the legal transfer of everything occurs and that’s a legal recognition of a relationship – and if you want to get married in a church, a temple, whatever, and you find one, great!”

Civil marriage, everybody. I am not against marriage for gay couples. I just think it would make the issue easier if it was civil marriage for everybody. And I am not against – I mean, it’s [same-sex marriage] not going to threaten my marriage. I mean my 35th anniversary is on Monday. It’s not going to threaten my marriage to have a gay couple married.”

You're preachin' to the choir, Christine!

Whitman also called for the open acceptance of homosexuals and lesbians in the U.S. military. “I don't care if he is straight, I care if he can shoot straight.


  1. The Repugnants fouled their own nests letting the evangelicals in because they got too much power. Now they need to rethink the Karl Rovian Evil Empire plan of attack and become human. Can it be done? Is it too late? I hope they don't get it sorted out for a while and give sane people the chance to undo all this harm.

  2. I didn't know they grew any Republicans with such logic. Where can we get more like her?


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