
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Take On Carrie And Perez Because It's My Blog And I'll Rant If I Want To

I wasn't going to comment on this because, well, frankly I just don't care, but it has officially become The Story That Would Not Die thanks in no large part to Carrie Prejean's Cry Me A River Tour and annoying blogger Perez Hilton's Desperate Need For Attention Ride, so here I go, with my two cents.....although I think it's worth more.

Carrie Prejean was a participant/contestant/racer/player in the Miss USA/America/World/Universe pageant...I don't know which because no matter how many times they say it isn't a beauty pageant but a scholarship contest, I choke on my Cheerios. See, if it truly was a scholarship pageant and not a beauty contest, the contestants wouldn't all have teeth as bright as the sun, boobs the size of cars, and tans like tangerines, so lets' call a spade a spade.

It's a beauty pageant.

Anyway, apparently during the question and answer portion Miss California, Carrie Prejean, was given a question written by celebrity-wannabe Perez Hilton. Now, it was a good question, a pertinent question, given the news of late. And Miss carrie di answer to the best of her ability. It went a little something like this.....well, it went exactly like this:

Perez Hilton: Vermont recently became the 4th state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you think every state should follow suit. Why or why not?

Miss California, Carrie Prejean: Well I think its great that Americans are able to choose one or the other. We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. And you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there, but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be between a man and a woman. Thank you very much.

And it was on.

The audience booed. Perez, at some point, called Prejean a dumb bitch. Prejean did not win the crown. Prejean says she would have won had Perez not given her a zero for her answer.


What pisses me off, you might ask....and even if you didn't I'm going to tell you. I am pissed that this girl was booed. Let's put aside her obvious trouble with the English language...opposite marriage...and my country...and focus on the fact that she has the right to believe what she wants to believe.

There. I said it.

She can stand up there in a ball gown, with her pert boobies waving at the crowd, and her perfect teeth looking like Chiclets, and her blond hair looking like no color found in nature, and tell everyone she doesn't believe in gay marriage because, as an American, that is her right.

Do I think she's wrong? Well, that's a silly question. I couldn't disagree with her more. Go figure. But she has the right to say what she believes, y'all. Anyone has the right to say what they believe, and if they say that their faith/religion/cult doesn't believe in gay marriage, okie dokie.

Just, and if I've said this once, I've said it a thousand times, don't use your religion to legislate my life, my rights. M'kay?

And the story would have gone away if that idiot Perez Hilton didn't ride it like it was a giant flaming dildo and he'd had one too many Cosmos. Perez is driving this story into the ground, under the ground, through the ground to China, because he craves the media spotlight on himself.
And Carrie Prejean is no better. She's been everywhere from Matt Lauer's lap to that bastion of intelligent news reporting FoxNews. She's crying and complaining and telling us how many people Facebook'ed her. She would'a won; should'a won. Boo-freakin-hoo.

So, now, who's dumb, and who's dumber?

That, my friends, is a question that should have been asked.


  1. Ya know, I have to agree with you on this. She shouldn't have gotten booed. Those people who booed her, are they the fighting for equility? And if so, haven't they been booed for THEIR beliefs?

    But I must say, she does sound like a dumb bitch.

  2. bravo..I agree with you TOTALLY!

  3. This discussion has to remain civilized because folks shut down and get defensive when it isn't. So booing is out.
    I just have to say in *my* country we strive to keep religion out of the law.
    Interesting though, that this issue came up in a beauty contest. Shows that it is becoming more and more mainstream. I think that is why Rick Warren is trying really hard to walk back his statements regarding gay marriage. I imagine he sees the writing on the wall and wants to remain relevant.

    Okay, this is Rachel Maddow's fault, as she reminds us that we all have a 12 yr old hidden inside of us - but the verification word is 'porkest'.

  4. You are da Man! Just the other day I gave your blog a plug on mine for saying what I felt, though you saidit way better then I ever could hope to! Well looks like I have to plug you again, no pun intended.

    Keep up the very good work....

  5. Using the logic of freedom to express your views, why wouldn't the audience be allowed to boo to express their views?

    (And personally I don't really care what Miss California's thoughts are on gay marriage).

  6. I agree that this story is a dead horse that needs to be over and done with....

    But the thing that struck me about her comments were that we live in a land where you can choose same-sex or "opposite" marriage. That's not entirely true, is it?


  7. HALLELUYUR, And a Big Amen. What a waste of breath from two humans

  8. I NEVER could stand Perez. And the blond with the big fun bags is just as bad! I agree with you Bob! I love your rants and look foward to them. There funny AND make sense! Meh, on them both.

  9. Sam: A big AMEN back atcha!
    Beth: Yes, she did say we can choose same-sex or opposite marriage. Poor poor dumb girl! But maybe that's how it is in 'her' country.
    Cartguy: I agree. That's my point. She's allowed to be against gay marriage and the audience is allowed to boo. It's called Free Speech.
    T.E.W: Thanks for the kind words. They're appreciated.
    FP: As usual, you set the tone to logic. It needs to remain a discussion and not a shouting, name-calling mess. That would be "porkest?"
    RAD: Thanks for the drop by, always nice to see you here.
    Bina: I agree about the equality. She can be anti-gay-marriage, but should be ready for the praise and the boos.

  10. Let me begin by saying that Perez Hilton is a complete and total douche-nozzle, asshat, apesmack - whatever your preferred derogatory term. And I certainly do not believe he represents me as a gay US citizen.

    But with complete and utter respect for your opinion and those of your commenters, isn't it a quantum shift that she was booed instead of applauded for her answer?

    I am all for manners and civility, but when you represent an ideal - or a country - shouldn't you be respectful of all the elements that make up that sum total?

    I do not disparage her for making the comments that she did. Nor do I condone the lack of manners the audience showed her. But isn't it telling that the public expects more these days?

    I liken this to the current dilemna in Iowa, where the Attorney General has stated that all state-employed city/county clerks must respect the law and offer equal treatment to same-sex couples as opposite sex couples. Some clerks are asking for an "exception clause" based on religious belief. Well, according to our constitution and the constitutions of most if not all states, clerks are required to carry out the law of the land.

    I'd expect nothing less from a Miss America. She is, after all, supposed to be so much more than a pretty female figure head. She is supposed to represent the American ideal. To represent the best of what America has to offer.

    And I'm afraid that, at least in the 21st century, this candidate fell short.

    My opinion, of course. But I've seen first-hand

    At least, not yet.

  11. Oops - some of my comment disappeared.

    What I typed was -

    "My opinion, of course. But I've seen first-hand what it means to be a gay American since the 1970s. And this strikes me as progress. But other may not have that experience or appreciation of what came before."

  12. Perez is milking this

  13. The clip I saw of this, I did not hear any booing. I heard some cheers, which I interpreted as being supportive of her. I agree she has a right to her opinion, but what if she said the same thing about interracial marriage? What if she expressed support for Hitler and thought the extermination of the Jews was a good idea? What would be the appropriate response?

    If I was there, I would have booed. I agree she is entitled to her opinion, but I will certainly express mine also, especially if she is talking about my civil rights.

  14. Good post, Bob! I agree with you (again).


Say anything, but keep it civil .......