
Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby!

Today is a good day. It's Carlos' birthday. And, since his favorite movie is Mame--he and his best girlfriend Benjamin argue over which one is Mame and which one is Vera--he'd want me to tell you that he is somewhere between forty................and death.

Carlos is that rare, wonderful find. Always positive, always congenial, always in a good mood.....not at all like me....we aren't so much two halves of the same coin, as we are two completely different monetary units. Night. Day. Classical. Pop. Maria Callas. Diana Ross.

Very different, and yet very good together.

But this is about Carlos, and who he is and what he's been through, and how, no matter what happens, he's like a Timex: he takes a licking and keeps on he can keep on licking--I stole that from Will & Grace but it fits.

Carlos has had a lot thrown at him in his life; lots of things that would make most men crumble, gay or straight. But he perseveres, with a smile, and a cockeyed Ricky Ricardo turn of phrase.

He doesn't hold a grudge and rarely gets angry; he loves to talk; he loves to hold my hand when we're just sitting watching TV. He loves. I am the luckiest guy in the world to have met him and to be able to spend my life with him, so, today is his day, and I'm going to make it special for him, and I will see, and hear from, all you wonderful people, out there, in the dark, tomorrow.

If I could, I'd sing to the rooftops about this man, but I can't, so I'll let my girl Jennifer Hudson do it for me:


  1. He sounds like a dreamboat! You are a lucky man! I wish Carlos many more Happy Birthdays with you!

  2. Happy Birthday to Carlos! How lucky you both are to have each other!

  3. Aw, this is so sweet. Happy happy birthday, Carlos. You sound like a gem.

    Hugs, Beth

  4. Many happy returns of the day. :-)

  5. I am new to your blog, but I wanted to wish Carlos a very Happy Birthday. Sounds like you two have something very special!

  6. Happy Burfday to the Carlos man.

  7. What a beautiful post!

    Happy Birthday Carlos!!!!!!

  8. Happy birthday Carlos!

    I too love the movie Mame. Although there was never any question about who was who: I was/am "Mame", and my friend Carl was/is "Vera". And we'll always be Bosom Buddies.

    Now go lay some birthday lovin' on that hot Papi of yours...


  9. happy B-day to your man

  10. Alright Bob, here's what I want you to do. Get a tube of red lips stick (as red as possible) apply it and then give Carlos a big wet one from the Mistress!! Happy Birthday to him! I love the movie Mame. I'd soooooooooo be Vera, what, with all the passing out!

  11. Many happy returns to Carlos! You are both lucky to have someone you love.

  12. That is so sweet! I think you are both blessed to have each other and am glad you are so happy together! Happy Birthday to Carlos!


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