
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Every Time He Speaks I Cringe

I don't like John McCain. There's a surprise, yeah? I think he would have been the worst thing to happen this country since, well, W.

But now you have Gramps making the rounds of talk shows and interviews, talking about the future of the Repugnant Party. When asked if he would support Sarah Palin, Gramps McCain said it would depend on who else was running.


Then on Leno the other night he was asked who might be the frontrunner of the Repugs, and he mentioned pretty boy Mitt Romney, Huckleberry Hound Bobby Jindal, and then said, and i paraphrase, There are a lot of governors out there doing excellent work.

But he didn't mention Palin.


Ooooooooh snap!

Except, that it made me realize that he spent months touting her as the best thing to come along since the invention of the wheel; and he should know, because I think he was there when they invented the wheel. But now, after losing the election, he can't even seem to remember her name.

Which is to say, that he must have never thought she was that good; that he only asked her to Veep because he wanted to pander to the women of this country; that he hadn't a clue as to what it means to be President or Vice President.

I say we dodged two bullets last November


  1. Try as he might to stop it, with his choices and his subsequent loss last November, I think John McCain has entered the ranks of the irrelevant.


  2. oh yes we did!!! and that man gives me the CREEPS big time....spooky.

  3. Doddering old fool

    Confirmtation word:feled!

  4. Amen to bullet dodging! Palin has continued to demonstrate what a petty, undereducated and vindictive moron she is, while Walnuts dodders, dribbles and decays and prepares for his long slow ride into obscurity.

    The GOP is out of answers and the country sees these "front-runners" for the recycled has-beens and newly minted whackos they are.

    How do I really feel? You may well ask. : )

  5. Absofrigginloutely.


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